Untitled Sci Fi Part 1
[[[Alien planet where all inhabitants are religious and happy, but the astronauts try to convert them of atheism for the future of their survival. ]]] 《《《*different races, different interesting religions and philosophies * 1 religion on this planet?》》》
The earth has been in bad shape for a long time. The population is around 47.5 billion people... Most life is lived underground in a series of catacombs and tunnels, water levels have risen, bringing people further inland, which has created a multitude of problems. Land ownership is rare, public open spaces are almost nonexistent. There are very few forests and trees, and air quality is toxic to partly cloudy
Technology is our only savior. We now have the technology to safely and efficiently, if not very time dedicating, travel to other hospitable planets to help other planet nations before it's too late while frantically searching for ways to save our own.
I however feel blessed that I live in a day and age we can actually travel to new planets and visit other intelligent beings. I believe we have hit a pinnacle in human evolution where if we go any further, the meaning for, and reason to, live...life. That meaning will fade away from our memories and they won't return. And if man collectively have no sense of meaning for life, then their significance is less than a planet full of... well, I digress.
Early man era planets are like nothing else. Like heaven on earth! Beautiful lush, unspoiled forests, pure and clean water everywhere! And the cultures! The diversity...
The earth has been in bad shape for a long time. The population is around 47.5 billion people... Most life is lived underground in a series of catacombs and tunnels, water levels have risen, bringing people further inland, which has created a multitude of problems. Land ownership is rare, public open spaces are almost nonexistent. There are very few forests and trees, and air quality is toxic to partly cloudy
Technology is our only savior. We now have the technology to safely and efficiently, if not very time dedicating, travel to other hospitable planets to help other planet nations before it's too late while frantically searching for ways to save our own.
I however feel blessed that I live in a day and age we can actually travel to new planets and visit other intelligent beings. I believe we have hit a pinnacle in human evolution where if we go any further, the meaning for, and reason to, live...life. That meaning will fade away from our memories and they won't return. And if man collectively have no sense of meaning for life, then their significance is less than a planet full of... well, I digress.
Early man era planets are like nothing else. Like heaven on earth! Beautiful lush, unspoiled forests, pure and clean water everywhere! And the cultures! The diversity...