

The Definition of Love !!
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table. I was too excited to meet her. She too knew that I wanted to go on a date with her for such a long time and not only one date but multiple dates. I am too emotional for her or should I say that she makes me feel about her that way. I don't know but whatever the reason may be, the truth is that I have never felt the way she makes me feel about her. Along with this one more bitter truth is that most of times I feel that I don't deserve her. She is very strong, beautiful, smart and modern and I am weak, ugly, dumb and oldschool. It took me more than four years to believe that I love her and I should go after her because before that I never considered myself to be of her level. I never even dared to think about her in my dreams. But she made me feel that I do deserve to think about her. I too deserve to love her. She never uttered a word but my heart still heard that.
Yes ! I too feel that I am mad. My mind is completely out of order. There is a very sure probability that she don't like me at all. It may be just my illusion but my mind is not ready to come out of this illusion. I refuse to behave normally. I don't care what this world thinks about me. All I want is just her. Dear God, help me, I am going out of my mind but tell me if there is any medicine for this. I just want her all the time. I just want to spend all my time with her. But why would she love me ? Who am I ? What have I done for her ? There are so many far better boys standing ready to be with her. May be someone loves her more than me. What if she too loves someone more than anything? How do I find out ? But why should I try to find that someone ? It will break my heart. But if I don't find out and she comes out to be loving someone else, then also my heart is destined to die. Sometimes I am so desperate that I am ready to even die for her. I don't know how I find about what she wants from me.
When a person is desperate for someone then there are some fixed logics behind that emotion arising out of their mind. Usually it is said that we fall for the people who are better than us. This betterment can be in any form. Some fall in love when they see someone more beautiful than them. But I don't think we can use this parameter in case of Man-Woman love because a woman is made physically different from a man. We just call someone beautiful when we compare them with people of their own category so in a way we first judge them and then we decide to fall in love with them. A man is considered handsome when he usually is tall, muscular and having average facial features. A woman is considered beautiful when usually her facial features are very strong along with her hot body features. She can not be muscular no matter how hard she tries. But trust me it is just relative. If women could be muscular then muscularity of a woman would also come under her beauty features. Man has always seen a woman as less muscular from the origin of this world and that is why his all sons also wants to see a less muscular woman to become their wife. It is difficult to understand but this is true. We often don't think why we like something so much. Some people like everything that is popular in trend. But it is not always possible that you too will like someone who is liked by everyone else. Some people specifically like those who are different from rest of the world. Trends keep changing but going against the trend is also a good option. Because going with the crowd also has its own adverse effects. When we get lost in crowd we lose our own identity. We never get chance to ask ourselves what we actually want. And it is most necessary to take care of our original temptations. Some people spend their whole life copying the wrong ideals. Ideals who don't meet the criterion of their actual demands. And ultimately they end up doing something they never wanted from their lives. So when you are falling in love with someone it is very necessary to think whether why you are falling in love with them. Is this because she is rich ? Is this because she is beautiful ? Is this because I find her exactly like me and spending my life with her will be easy as I don't have to change myself for her ? And then comes the most complex form of love. Love in which she is already in love with you and is trying to make you fall in love with her. This is a very complex form of love atleast according to me. In this type of love you don't know whether I should mix into her colours and leave my own individuality and start living her expectations from me. No way !! I can't become her slave. It is so scary. How can I give up myself to someone else whom I don't even love ? This love is difficult especially when you are a dreamer and is expecting many things from your life. It is difficult because she might try to manipulate you multiple times but that manipulation can't be considered dangerous. If she loves you she will not hurt you. She will do everything in her power to stop you from falling away from her. Even if she has to hurt you as many times as possible. And Women are very very enotional, when they are desperate for man, they can do many things to make you notice them and make you feel exactly the way they are feeling for you. These "many rhings" can be dangerous for you sometimes especially when they are not able to understand how you feel. Something like that is the situation for me today.
I am hoping to see her today but I don't know if she is believes in me or not. She thinks to much about me. She calculates every thought of my mind in advance so that she can be ready for everything but no one knows what will happen in future. In this process she ends up hurting me most of the time. But I always pick myself up to see her efforts for keeping me. She is a keeper. And it seems she too wants to keep me but I have to make her understand that I want her to listen to my wishes too sometimes. I will try it today also.
But It has been very late and she hasn't come yet. Where is she ?
Has her mood changed again ?
She is not picking her phone either !
Oh God ! Is she alright ?
I should message her on Wotsapp !!
Oh God ! No !!
She Blocked me.
What did I do now ?
I really just can't understand this girl at all.
So much complicated...Silly, Dumb, Ugly B*tch.
I am angry.
I will never see her ever now !!
The End
#Love #Relationship #Philosophy #thoughts #quotes