

why poor is better than rich
one day, there live a woman who have no water to drink, and no food to eat.
she was starving to death.. she had the new neighbour who is very rich.. the new neighbour has plenty of water and food.. the poor woman was so happy you're hearing this..
"thank you almighty, you've awarded me" (said the old woman)
at the rich man house, the rich man was very angry because everybody normally call him selfish.
"who cares what all those people say about me, I am a human and I will always be one" (angrily replied the rich man)
then unfortunately, he had a knock on the door.. when he had to open the door, he saw a woman with two children..
"as you can see, I am an adult, and I am very hungry and tasty.. I felt like dying, and I will never want any child to suffer like me.. or else they might die.. this out my children you know?? please help us.. we are hungry. (the poor woman pleaded)

"oh, just because I'm rich, that doesn't mean you can come to me begging for money just because I'm your neighbour.(the rich man angry replied)
"please" (said the poor woman)
"get out!!!" (the rich man shouted)

the poor woman therefore went home with those two children. she didn't closed the eye.. and she prayed to the almighty.. then she opened that I'm remembering everything. "wait, I know have to make a car" (shouted the poor woman)
(she build a car, and then she get money. she didn't know how to make an aeroplane.. the woman become rich... the rich man products was getting smaller and smaller, because the rich woman products have gotten bigger than his.. his business began to lack..he became Poor, and went to ask the woman for some money.
"you may have some money.. get married, buy a car, happy children, get a house, provide for the house" (the old woman cried saying it)
"I am sorry, you are supposed to be angry at me, how come do you find it so easy to forgive me??" (cried the poor man)
"because I was once poor, and I know how it feels. if you have given me some money to eat.. I wouldn't have become rich by now. but do you know what, if you are rich, always consider yourself poor"