

Dyspnea. Prolouge.
I hurriedly packed my things and didn't bother to look at the mirror. I know I looked like a mess but I have an exam to run. My god! This isn't the perfect time to wake up late. Damn it!

"Hey, I packed your mea-"


I grabbed the lunch bag that my sister Caret is holding. I don't have enough time to make conversations. This exam is too important to me.


Damn it! I grabbed my car key and started the engine. Gina's been practicing lately, I know she's a good girl. She'll take me to univ as fast as she can.

I stepped on the fuel and the speed arrow pointed at 100kph. The distance between the mansion and the univ is almost 10 km,so let's say that it is 10 km. Calculating my speed and the distance, I think I can reach the univ in just 6 minutes.

I breathe deeply and drove at exactly 100 kph constantly. I need to maintain it so that I can keep the time.


Shoot! Now I need to run as fast as I can so that I can reach my room without any hunch. I just hope that there'll be less people roaming around today. I just don't know why they can still fuck off and enjoy their lives.


Ah, just in time.

I put my bag on the seat beside me and take my Biochemistry book by Lippinscott. I need to review this for the last time before taking MCAT. God knows how hard I prepared for this. I tried my very best to skip the stupid 4 years in high school so that I can become a doctor as soon as possible.

"Is this a free seat?"

Biochemistry is just the only subject that I can't understand. I read it for God knows how many times and my mind's still in haze. I need to read this until 7:50 so that I can still calm my body and mind. This exam is holding my fate.

"Umm, excuse me?"

Who the hell tried to apply chemistry to the biological processes of a living organism?! Is he insane or he just wanted to be God? I mean, it's messing my head and these words are killing my head-


I closed my mouth as soon as I saw the man who's standing in front of me. He's already mad and ready to punch someone. Maybe he's talking to me earlier but I'm floating in the air and doesn't seem to hear him. Well, my bad. But it already happened, can't do anything to change it.

I just gently removed the invisible dirt on my bag and put it under my chair. I'll just pretend that nothing happened. We're just seatmates for today.


I closed my book and breathe deeply. I closed my eyes as I tried to relax myself.

A few minutes later, the proctor came and gave us instructions.

I stretched my arms and put my things in my bag. Dang! That's the longest 8 hours of my life! Chemistry is really a pain in my ass! He's so difficult and almost all the questions there are killing me. Now, I just need to wait for the results and kill my time by studying the subjects as early as possible. I don't want to waste any more time.

I was about to go when I heard someone collapse. I looked at the man beside me who's already laying on the floor while holding his inhaler. My eyes widened and got a little panicked. Well, he just fell right before my eyes, what do you expect me to feel? Happy?

I immediately called 911 and in just a few minutes, they came and asked if I should go with them. I nearly said no when someone already pulled me and pushed me inside the ambulance.

Oh my Gina! I was about to go to you but this man who collapse took me away!

"Do you have any medical history, sir?"


I looked at the man who's hardly breathing right now. He's what?