

Telling a story
Writing a good story or telling a good story depends on how well the topic is researched. Even day to day stories coming out for public needs to be well researched before it's said across. A well written story will speak for itself.

I'm going to tell you a story on how the week went by in the last week. If anything one of the top stories in the entertainment world was the Netflix film The Queen wins The Golden Globe Awsrds. The next big thing in politics was the coup in Myanmar when things started getting very ugly with protests and the military taking 38 lives in a day. The United Nations and other foreign countries like France started to complain publicly about what was going on in Myanmar. The next big thing going in the circles was the Harry Megan Oprah interview. The Queen had come up issuing a statement in the Royal Communications about the interview. Then it was the Space X rocket getting blown which was meant for using as a space tourism to space. Another good thing was the NASA Rover taking and sending pictures of MARS surface. Then it was The International Women's Day. If anything in this year if anything will be global news in 2021 in the week ending last week these are some of the major news making news worldwide.

Writing a good story needs research before it's getting published. So I have taken up some stories in the last week on how to write a good story. A story needs facts to make any impact. A good or great story gets covered worldwide. So if you are considering writing a story make sure it is well researched before it gets published. It can be a day to day story. But, whatever it is you've to present it with facts. A story can be a novel, fiction, fantasy or real life stories. So whatever it is make sure it is well researched. Don't tell stories of which you have no indepth knowledge about. It takes time, patience, perverance to write a story. A story can be in politics, religion, a novel, fiction or fantasy, whatever it is it needs all the three above.
© S. Francis Hector