

Adrinette 6
They moved back to Paris so that Adrienne can start a new life,Adrienne is 13years now
Mari:Adrienne .Hurry up you're getting late
Adrienne:Ok mum.(She comes downstairs wearing a black paw print sweater,a short blue jean skirt and a black beanie on her hair she packed into two)
Mari:Adri,isn't that skirt a little..... inappropriate for school?
Adrienne:No mum it's the new trend besides it isn't that short
Mari:Hurry up with your breakfast I don't wanna be late for work
Adrienne:Ok mum
Mari:It's your first day of tenth grade in Paris aren't you excited
Adrienne:I am .....but am gonna miss old friends at London
Mari:But you got Max
Adrienne:I know mum
Mari:Have you put all your things in your bag? remember your dropping at........
Adrienne:(cuts in)I know mum at Aunt Alya house.Youve told me like hundred times
Mari:I know darling.Niw hurry up .I wanna get my phone and bag from upstairs
Adrienne:Ok mum

In the car when they are at the school gate,
Adrienne:Bye mum(hugs her)
Mari:Bye baby.I love you
Adrienne(steps down from the car and goes into the school building)

In the building,
Adrienne:(to herself)So this was mum and dads high school .Pretty cool(someone taps her back and she turns round)Max!
Max:Hey Adri(they hug)
Adrienne:Nothing much.I was just thinking if this was really our parents high school
Max:It's school huh?
Adrienne:Anyways we are meant to go to the principal's office it's second term here so everyone else apart we new students

In the principal's office,
Max and Adrienne:Good morning Principal Damocles
Prin.Damocles:Good morning Max and Adrienne the children of my former students
Max:Yes sir
Prin. Damocles:I guess you want to collect your timetables?
Adrienne:Yes sir
Prin.Damocles:I have them here(opens a drawer and brings out two pieces of paper and gives it to them with their subjects for each day,locker and class number)
Adrienne and Max:Thank you sir
Princ. Damocles:Hurry up and get to class

In the hall,
Adrienne:I guess am in Grade 10 A
Max:Am In Grade 10B
Adrienne:I wish we were in the same class but not to worry we can see each other during our free classes
Max:Yh.Bye(they hug)

In class,
Adrienne enters the classroom when everyone is seated while the teacher is talking to them.
Ms Leah:Good morning class.We have a new student please be silent and let her introduce herself.
Adrienne:Hi everyone. I'm Adrienne Agreste your typical 13year old girl.Im a Parisian like y'all but I just moved to Paris just this break.My mum is a fashion designer and a model while my dad is the CEO of a big company.Thank you
Ms Leah:I like your introduction Adrienne ,it was brief and short
Adrienne:Thank you
Ms Leah:How about you seat with Kiana over there ?
Adrienne:Thank you
Ms Leah:We have History first period so let's get into it.We all know of the great book of our past heroes which included so many young students that attended this school particularly your parents school year. We had Ladybug,Cat noir,Rina Rouge, Carapace and so many other heroes.I won't want to spoil the background so we are gonna handout the book by the end of today.You can ask your parents and what I can tell you is that the best superheroes were Ladybug and Catnoir and they really saved Paris .Now get into you search engines and look for what you can find about them.You can do what you want for the rest of the day because it's the first day .Thank you
Adrienne:(took out her drawing book and started drawing)
Kiana:Hi am Kiana


Hey guys hoped u liked this part can anyone guess what will happen.
PS Adrienne doesn't know that her parents were Ladybug and Catnoir they felt that they should keep it away from her .Please comment,like and follow.Questions can be asked don't be mean to anyone please.Stay safe .Love y'all to and fro

Queenie 😋

© queenie