

The Greatest Inventor of America: Thomas Alva Edison Story
In a village named Milan in Ohio lived the Edisons. Their red bricked house looked identical to all the other house in the neighbourhood.

However, the home if Edison family was different. Thomas Alva Edison, the youngest child of Samuel and Nancy Edison, or 'Al', as they called him, was a child other parents cautioned their children about.

Thomas was known to tinker with things, He would always speak of creating grand things that nobody really understand. Even the teachers were tired of his repeated failure in tests.

One fine day, the headmaster told his parents that ge did not foresee a bright future for the child even if he continued in school. 'He is a lost child, Mrs Edison, I am so sorry to say this. His grades are terrible. I doubt he can go far' said the headmaster sympathetically.

Mrs Nancy Edison was dejected, but she decided not to give up. 'I will homeschool Thomas. Your school doesn't deserve a child as special as him,' said Mrs Edison and brought Thomas home.

She taught him to read, write and solve maths problems at home. Thomas was curious child. He would often ask questions about various things, and his mother always encouraged him to go looking for the answers. Thomas graduaully became an avid reader and was excellent at maths.

Meanwhile, the family moved to another town called Michigan. Thomas still dreamed of creating grand things. So, for years, he sold candies and newspaper at the local station and saved every penny that he could.

At the age of 16, he tried to convince the station master to give him a small space in one of the unused train coaches to create a lav for his experiments. 'I want to build technology that will light up every house in America,'insisted Thomas.

Reluctant but touched by Thomas's passion, the station master allowed him to use a small space as a lab for his experiments.

One wretched afternoon, one of his experiments backfired. His lab in the train coach caught fire. Angered by this incident the station master pulled Thomas's ears very hard. This was one of the reasons that led to his partial deafness later. 'Never be seen here again' fumed the station master. Thomas was heartbreaken on losing his lab.

Thomas worked extra hard for the next few years, and eventually, took up a job with a telegraph company. He saved for years and finally built a magnificent lab. There, he ran experiments day in and day out. Many a times he skipped food and sleep but continued experimenting.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Thomas finally invented the light bulb. He screamed with joy! His invention gerlnerated a lot of excitement and interest across the country. He was even invited to meet the President or America. Everyone hailed him as a greatest inventor of America.

When asked how he succeeded despite so many failures, he replied, 'Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The best way to succeed is to try one more time.'

Moral of the Story: Never give up. Keep trying till you succeed.

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