

Forever Goodbye
As the night had only just begun,
she begn to feel a sudden weakness in her gut.
She was unaware of what was really going on.
"Be careful what you wish for..", she had repeated in her mind. Her mother warned her of the havoc that would come creeping back into her life after she answered the phone that very first time. Her ex had weaved his way back into her life once again. She knew the love she had for him was inexplicably deniable. She knew that if she gave him one more chance he would surely "do right this time".
"Baby, you know I want to give you the world. Let me show you that I have changed.", he said.
Desperate for love and longing to be touched, she fell back into his arms. Little did she know she was falling once again. Little did she know he was exactly the same. Her gut feeling was right. He hadn't changed. If anything he was worse. Like he had been cursed... "God, why? Lord I thought you told me that he had changed?" "My Child..," the Lord said, "it is you that has changed." As she heard his voice, she started to cry. She realized that she stopped listening to his still, small voice inside. She realized that she fell in the flesh. She wanted so desperately to be loved, that she was only denying the One who was telling her quietly the entire time. She saw the warning signs yet love is blind. "Goodbye is the last thing on my mind. But forever goodbye, my love." She waved goodbye with tears in her eyes.
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