

Dating Him Ch 4
He left again!
This time no note on the head bed.Upon waking up,I noticed breakfast was set on the table .There I found a note;
"Bare with me honey,that's how it's going to be most often.I'm taking you out by weekend."
I smiled broadly to the 9am room service arrangement.I was very hungry.How did he know that?
Oh I forgot he asked sometime in our sleep.I actually thought I was dreaming.So caring a man.
It was just day two of my visit in Italy we were four days away from saturday.How will I keep indoors till then?
I'll die of boredom.
After my shower, I took my breakfast.I ate everything.When I was about leaving the table, I noticed bank notes under the tray.Another note;
''Keep this safe."
It was a lot of money,I mean in my currency!
What was it for I wondered.
I kept it in my hand bag anyway.
One month sounded pretty long away from home.To fight boredom ,I decided to undo my travelling bags and arrange my dresses in the wardrobe.
My room was so vast and comfortable.I was so at ease.He knew exactly what I loved.
Upon hangging my clothes,I realised I bought him one African wear.
Oh I totally forgot about it.I'll keep it till his birthday I thought.June was a funny birthday month for men.I was glad to be here to spend that day with him I said to myself smiling.
"Wake up from your dreams young woman.You ain't even sure you will see him that day.''
I hated my mind police sometimes.Always bringing me back to earth.
The room service came up for cleaning so I spent some time on the balcony.The view was wonderful.I hated the noice of steaming cars though.It was a busy town.The air was polluted and comfort was rather inside.

The tv chanels were mostly Italian so I worked on my machine whole day.He did not give me a call and I decided not to bother him.Maybe his wife was back and he was busy...
By night I grew really bored and felt like strolling out.I made up my mind to leave my room when my phone rang.It was a message.
"Hey bae remember,no stepping out.You can have heaven from there!"
I dizzily went back to the sofa,called the room service and ordered for food.
While waiting,I decided to update my social media status'.It was fun reading commentaries from friends .
After dinner
I sent a good night message to him and off to bed I went.

I can't believe this is happening to me I'm in love and I'm scared.

© Abigail Ekangouo