

Bangtan Meets Yumiko
"Yumiko!" A high-pitched voice yelled. "Yumiko, wake up, wake up! We're going to be late for school!" The voice said again. Yumiko, who was lying in bed, turned the other way and snuggled into the blankets he was under. "Yah! Yumiko if you don't wake up then I am going to tell Hoseok Oppa that you won't get up!" the voice said. That made the man's eyes open wide as he sat up quick. "Yoshi don't you dare!" Yumiko yelled. "Well, get up!" Yoshi yelled, smiling. "You are one evil little sister," Yumiko said. His sister, now known as Yoshi, just giggled and skipped out the room. With a sigh, Yumiko got up and stretched his muscles loosening them up.

"What a great way to start the day." He said in a sarcastic tone. With a small huff, he walked over to the closet and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. After taking a shower, Yumiko then put on his black converse and grabbed his phone before heading downstairs. "Hey, Yumiko, nice to see you up!" Hoseok yelled, smiling, as Yumiko came down the stairs. A low grumble came from Yumiko as he walked passed him and into the kitchen. "Awe, don't tell me Yoshi pulled the 'I'm going to tell Hoseok Oppa on your' card again," Hoseok asked laughing.

"Shut up your horse," Yumiko mumbled as he grabbed an apple and took a bite into it. "Well come on, we have to get Yoshi to school," Hoseok said pointing at the pouting girl. "Yah! I can go on my own Oppa, I'm not a baby anymore." Yoshi said stomping her foot. "You might not be, but you sure do act like one," Yumiko said taking another bite from his apple. Yoshi just huffed and walked towards the door. "Then hurry up! School is going to start in 20 minutes and it's a fifteen-minute walk!" She said grabbing her backpack.

The two males looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders before grabbing their stuff and walked out of the house taking Yoshi to school. Once they were done taking Yoshi to school, the two went to a café near their school and got something to eat and drink. "So, how do you feel about your new school?" Hoseok asked. Yumiko just shrugged his shoulders as he drank his drink. "I wouldn't know since I've never seen it or known about it. I'll tell you after my first day, besides, you've been going to that school longer than I have. So, you should know about school more than I do." Yumiko stated pointing at Hoseok.

Hoseok chuckled nodding. "Yeah, you're right. Do you want me to show you around when you get your schedule?" He asked as the two walked onto the school's grounds. "Nah, I should be fine on my own. Just make sure no one figures out that I'm your stepbrother." Yumiko said taking another sip from his drink. "Oh, come on! We adopted you five years ago and you're still calling me your stepbrother?" Hoseok whined. "Yes, because we're not close like that. You're not my true blood so why would you be my real brother?" Yumiko asked.

"But you got used to calling Yoshi your little sister, why can't you call me your Hyung?" Hoseok asked. "I don't know, okay? Let's just drop it and get into the building." Yumiko said as he sped up his walking pace. Once Yumiko as out of sight, five other men walked up to him, a few with curious faces. "Who was that Hoseok Hyung?" Jimin, the third youngest asked. "He's the new student." The questioned man answered. "How'd you know we were going to have a new student; the school would always tell us the day before they came. We didn't get an announcement about it." Jungkook, the youngest of the six-spoke.

Hoseok scratched the back of his head chuckling awkwardly. "Maybe they forgot to tell everyone? Let's not worry about it. Where's Yoongi Hyung?" He said quickly changing the subject. "He's on the second or third floor," Namjoon said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, we should get going to class, it's about to start. The other five men nodded, and they all went to class. Meanwhile, Yumiko was on the third floor, having trouble finding his class. A loud groan left his lips as he ruffled his sandy orange hair. "I checked all three floors, yet I can't find my class!" The man complained.

"Why are you yelling like a maniac? So loud." A voice bluntly said from nowhere, causing Yumiko to yelp and look around the empty hallway. "What the hell?" Yumiko said holding a hand over his heart. "You must be new, huh?" the voice asked. Yumiko gulped and nodded still looking around the hallway. Another yelp left his lips as the locker next to him swung open and a pale, tall male, with jet black hair, stepped out. "What?" The unknown man asked. "How did you even fit in there?" Yumiko asked looking inside the locker. "I'm very flexible." Was all he said shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I guess I should be a nice guy and take you to your class."

He added before grabbing Yumiko's schedule and skimmed over it. "What's your name?" Yumiko asked. "You have Jungkook in your class. Come on so I can get to mine." The male said ignoring Yumiko's question. Yumiko just sighed and followed the mysterious person. After a few turns and going down a flight of stairs, the two were standing in front of a golden door, unlike all the other class doors. "You're lucky to have this classroom, it's hard to get into Law Enforcement. Sit next to a guy named Jungkook, he might help you out if he isn't drawing." The unnamed male said before he turned and started walking away.

"Oh, and my name isn't important, shorty." He said and turned the corner. Yumiko could only sigh and walk-in, right on time as the bell rung when the door closed. "You must be the new student. My name is Ms. Sung. Introduce yourself to the class." The teacher, Ms. Sung said. Yumiko nodded and took a breath before walking to the front of the classroom and speaking. "Hello, my name is Jung Yumiko I'm 19 years old and this is my first year here." The male said doing 90-degree bow.

Small whispers from girls erupted, all talking about how he looks handsome, how they would "totally be dating him soon", and much more. "Alright then Yumiko, you can sit next to Jungkook. Jungkook, raise your hand please." Ms. Sung said. Yumiko nodded and walked over to the boy who raised his hand while his other hand was dancing across the white paper in front of him. After Yumiko sat down, the teacher started teaching again. Within the 20 minutes they were in class, Jungkook didn't even pay attention to the teacher, yet got the questions he was asked correctly.

Meanwhile, Yumiko was staring at the work Jungkook had drawn on his paper. It was mesmerizing and beautifully detailed, the color making it so realistic. The skies sun setting color. The way the light brown trees were three-dimensional and shadowed, to how it looked like the rainbow colored leaves were moving. The way the sun was setting far off in the back and into the clouds. The beautiful flowers by the small wooden house to the right. But what caught the man's eyes, was the little boy sitting in the tall grass, his knees pushed into his chest as his head resting in between them. His jet-black hair swaying to the side as if the wind was blowing through his hair. He was wearing a red hoodie and dark blue jeans. His creamy pale skin complexion reminded Yumiko of his past. He didn't like it one bit. "Hey, are you alright?" A voice said while waving a hand in front of the man's face, thus bringing him back to reality to have him realize a hot liquid on his face.

Tears the man thought. With the sleeve of his shirt, he violently whipped away the tears. "I'm fine." Was all Yumiko said before he quickly asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom. After the teacher said yes, then he got up and quickly walked his way to the male's bathroom and hid in a stall. "Stupid, stupid!" He said hitting his head against the door. "You're not stupid." A new voice said from the other side. Yumiko sniffled and leaned away from the door. "Leave me alone," Yumiko said. "Not until you tell me why you're upset. Was it my fault?" The other person asked. "Who are you anyway," Yumiko asked. "My name is Jungkook, I was the guy you sat next to," Jungkook answered.

"It's none of your business, Jungkook," Yumiko answered. "But it is my business - and even if it's not, I want to help," Jungkook said leaning his back on the stall door that Yumiko was in. Yumiko stayed silent for a while. After a moment of silence, he leaned his back against the stall as well and spoke. "It all started when I was little when I was five and maybe even younger..." Yumiko told his story to Jungkook, not caring if he knew him or not. He felt comfort from Jungkook, he felt like he could trust him, but he still left out a few parts. When done speaking, there was a thick and awkward silence between the two males. With a loud sigh, Yumiko crawled under the other stalls and ended up in the one next to the door, quickly rushing out.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was staring at the door with wide eyes, not fully realizing what just happened before he bolted up from his spot and ran out. How could my drawing remind him of his past? There was nothing about it that seemed close to it. Jungkook thought. The bell rung, meaning it was the second period. With a sigh, Jungkook went to his next class, Art. Yumiko, on the other hand, was in Language.

Damn it, Hoseok didn't teach me how to speak so well in Korean. He knows I'm from Japan, he knows I'm supposed to lean a lot of Korean before going to school. He was supposed to be teaching me the basics and the harder words, yet he only taught me the basics. I'm going to fail this class.

Yumiko thought as he walked into the classroom. Just like last time, he introduced himself and carried on. "Okay class, today we will be learning how to say a full paragraph in Korean from our History books. Turn to page two-hundred and seventy-three, you will read the fifth paragraph. Joshua, you're first." The teacher, Mr. Yung said. One by one, each student recites the paragraph correctly. That is until it was Yumiko's turn.

"Yumiko, stand up like everyone else and read the paragraph." Mr. Yung said. With hesitation, Yumiko stood up and tried speaking, only getting very few words correct. The class erupted into laughter and his face redden in embarrassment. "Alright, class settle down! Yumiko, after class you stay behind. Namjoon, you stay too." Mr. Yung spoke sternly, as both males nodded. Later, the bell rung, and all the students left the class but the two that were ordered to stay behind. "Yumiko, from what I saw and heard from you today, you're not from Korea, are you?" Mr. Jung asked, to which Yumiko nodded.

"Namjoon, I need you to tutor him every day after school, no matter what you have planned over the weekends, help him and I'll give you extra credit along with raising your lowest grade, and giving you three whole hundreds for the next three tests. Am I understood?" Mr. Yung asked. Namjoon, who smiled stuck out his hand, indicating a deal. "I won't let you down sir." Namjoon, spoke nodding. The teacher gave a small nod and the two males could leave.

"So, when would you want to come over?" Namjoon asked after they left the classroom. "I don't care, it's up to you I guess," Yumiko said stuffing his hands into his pockets. "How about after school, I'll have a couple of friends over though. We were going to hang out after school, but it seems like it'll have to be rearranged a little differently now that we have an extra person coming over." Namjoon said gesturing towards him. "Whatever. Where should we meet up?" Yumiko asked feeling slightly annoyed. "Meet me at the small Bubble Tea shop by our school. You know where that is, right?" Namjoon asked.

Yumiko nodded with a scowl on his face. "Just because I'm not from this area, doesn't mean I don't know this area." He added as he turned away and walked off. Namjoon watched as the other man walked off. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked away as well and went to his next class. After a few more bells, it was soon lunchtime. Everyone sat at their table with their little group of friends and ate happily, talking with one another. Yumiko, on the other hand, was trying to find the canteen, a frown on his face. A low growl leaving his stomach.

"Yeah, I know," Yumiko said grunting in frustration. A sigh of relief left his lips as he spotted a map on the wall of the whole school. Skimming over the large paper, he saw that the lunchroom was outside. "I'd rather go to the roof than in a place full of people, even worse, outside in the sun. Walking through what he remembered, spotted a long stairway going up, a small sign that says rooftop next to it. "Bingo." Was all Yumiko said before walking up the steps and pushed open the door. He immediately squinted his eyes from the bright light shining into his emerald eyes. Looks like some work needs to be done. Yumiko thought with a sigh.

After a few minutes, the roof was spotless, neat, and redone. A leather green couch was in a small corner of the roof, and even though it was old, it was still in good use. There was a small garden near a shed of gardening tools, which was a huge help since he was a vegetarian. He had found some clean wood and power tools and made a small table. Lastly, he tied a large tarp around two poles to keep everything dry when it rains. The bell rung just as Yumiko sat down, making him groan. "I just sat down for Pete's sake!" He yelled standing back up. Ruffling his hair, he went back down the stairs and to his next class, dance.

Walking through the double doors that were next to the GYM, Yumiko spotted four familiar faces. "Class, as some of you might know, this is our new student, Yumiko. Yumiko, it's nice to have you in this class, my name is Ms. Hung. Try to see if you can find some people you might know. Then we can get started with a few dance routines we have been working on." Ms. Hung said. Nodding, Yumiko looked around as if he didn't know anyone. "Yumiko, over here!" A voice yelled out causing the male who was called out face to redden. With quick steps, Yumiko was standing in front of the four familiar faces with a blank face. "Why did you call me?" He asked a little annoyed. "Well, you needed to find people you know, and I know you. So here I am, plus these are my friends, some of them you should know." Hoseok said smiling innocently. "I didn't ask for your help, horse face. I'd rather be partners with the teacher than you." Yumiko said scoffing.

"Alright, now that everyone has their group, I want for you to get into pairs, and practice a random dance. The group with the best choreography and most votes gets to be our opening act in the pumpkin fall festival. Good luck." Ms. Hung said. After everyone was in a group of two, Yumiko sighed seeing who his partner was. "So, this is awkward," Jungkook said, rocking on his heels, his hands stuffed into his pockets. "It'll only be awkward if you make it that way. Let's just get this over with." Yumiko said stretching some. The two worked on their dance, laughing at one another when messing up on the dance at the end and soon, they started goofing off.

"Students, it's time to see what you have done!" Ms. Hung said clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. One by one each group went. "Lastly, we have Jungkook and Yumiko. Please come and show the class what you have done." Ms. hung stated. The two males then went to the center of the dance room and turned on the song they were going to dance to. After the duo was done dancing, loud claps were heard, mixed with cheering as the two were panting with exhaustion.

"Well done boys. It looks like we have a tie in this class. Hoseok and Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung, Jungkook and Yumiko, you six will join and compete with my other two classes. If it cannot be chosen of who will be our opening act for the pumpkin fall festival, then you all will be joining each other, into a massive group of talented dancers for an opening and closing act. Go home and practice together. Get good rest and don't overwork yourselves." Ms. Hung said, smiling as the bell rung. "That's all for today! Get plenty of rest and don't forget what I told you!" She added, packing up her stuff in the process. All the students left out the classroom talking with one another. Yumiko ruffled his hair, deep in thought as he walked out the door.

Do I need to work with them? I didn't exactly like working with Jungkook. He was enough to handle, then I live with Hoseok so that's even worse. I'm pretty sure he's going to invite them to our house for practice- meaning they might find out we're siblings! I can't let that happen. I don't want people to know. I don't want what happened before happening again.

Yumiko thought as he walked down the hall. "Hey, Yumiko!" A voice yelled out, yet the man kept walking. "Yah! You think too much, you know that?" The voice asked snapping their fingers in front of the other. Yumiko's eyes widen when pulled from his train of thoughts, almost bumping into a wall in the process. "Huh?" Yumiko asked looking at the person who snapped his fingers. "I was calling your name, but you didn't answer. You okay?" The other figure asked. "O- Oh, yeah I'm fine. Taehyung, right? What did you want to tell me?" Yumiko asked the taller figure.

"I wanted to ask you where we should meet up, you know, to practice our dance," Taehyung said, scratching the back of his neck. "I know this dance studio that I usually dance at, we could all go there," Yumiko stated. Taehyung nodded, smiling a unique, box-like smile to the shorter male. "So uhm, bye now," Yumiko said, turning away and quickly walking off. Meanwhile, Taehyung stood in the same spot, staring at the figure walking off with a small frown on his face.

"He didn't have to leave that quick." He mumbled to himself, just before walking off to his next class. After a few minutes, the bell rung, signaling that class is starting. Yumiko sat down in the back of the classroom, laying his head on the desk while staring out the window, more students piling in and taking their rightful seats in the process.

A small tap was felt on his shoulder, making the male look up to see a girl with raven hair and black eyes. "Hm?" He asked. The girl was playing with the hem of her shirt out of nervousness. "Could you possibly move? That's my seat." She stated, pointing at the seat Yumiko was in. The male slowly nodded and stood up, gesturing for her to sit down, saying a small 'sorry' afterward.

"Alright class, for your questioning gazes on this male, his name is Jung Yumiko, our new student. Yumiko, my name is Mr. Wong, you can sit next to Jimin. Jimin, raise your hand so this young male will know where to sit." Mr. Wong said. A male named Jimin, along with a female both raised their hand. "Right, Park Jimin, the male." Mr. Wong corrected it. The female put her hand down and only one hand was still raised.

Yumiko nodded and sat next to the male, who is now known as Jimin. "Now that everyone has been seated, let's get down to what we've been working on for the last two days. Yumiko since you don't have a partner, join the Jimin beside you. Jimin, I hope you don't mind working with him." Mr. Wong stated before sitting down and taking attendance.