

Mystery About Me -( chapter 1: Underwater Girl!)
It was spring 2014 when I first realized I could breathe underwater. I didn't know who I was or was I even alive?! My thoughts were trembling around in my mind and I felt like I was about to faint. I thought of myself as a mermaid or something.
My shiny cyan hairs were floating up and down in the water and even though I could breathe, I still kept my mouth shut. And the first thing I wanted was to see the bright sunlight.
So I swimmed upwards and found myself in the middle of the ocean!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I was literally panicking right in the middle of the ocean, and I felt like I was about to pee my pants.
I had to find out who I was and why was I there, plus I had an advantage of breathing underwater so, I swam up to the shore by also enjoying the surroundings. I mean you should have everyday and every moment of your life.
But I don't even know if I have a life or not 😕
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