

The Kiss
Part 2

“Get out!” He shouted at me with his hands pushing me away. I looked at him with awe and dumb founded by his actions. You know for a moment I felt he was gonna kiss me and the next minute boom! I was on the floor.

(Elvis stood and walked out of the house back to his.)

**Few days later**

I was still bothered about what happened, yet still crushing on him and I just couldn't stop thinking about the nearly stolen kiss. I decided to pay him a visit to know how he was doing and if possible get some alone time with him, ( my mind “Oh no no no, on the contrary, you are not to go see him because of what you did. You are gay for Fuck sake, OK wait and think about what his reaction on seeing you would be like”) Ohh that's very true I can't see him now.
The evening was drawing nigh and darkness like a plague haunted our streets, the street lights like Arch Angels to our rescue came up and brightened the whole environment.

Looking out through my window as the lights came on, I saw Elvis standing along the road holding a girl talking and then he kissed her. My pulse rose and hate and jealousy overwhelmed me but the most overwhelming was the heart break.
Had I told him earlier he wouldn't be with this girl. Watching as he walked into the compound tears like the stream of sorrow ran down my face to my waterfall chin. “It's so painful, unfair and disheartening” I cried out in my room and I kept on crying until I fell asleep in the arms of my bed.

**The next morning**

*Liam Yarns* I walked out my room to greet my parents and siblings but unfortunately everyone had headed out except mum who was doing the laundries. I had my bath, brushed my teeth and had my own breakfast. While on my breakfast there was a knock on the door and so I rushed to get it. On opening the door, it was Elvis' brother.

Me - hey junior what's up

Junior - I'm good man, What's up?

Me - I'm okay.

Junior - Okay so I'm heading out now and I would love if you could go spend sometime with Elvis, he isn't feeling too well since yesterday.

With all the excitement and unhappiness mixed within me right now, my mind like a bartender mixing some drinks was not stable nor decisive. But I agreed and said yes to him.
I without hesitation ran to Elvis' room knocked and entered.

“Hey Elvis I'm so sorry for what happened the other day I really am” Liam said. But Elvis said nothing about it rather he continued watching TV like I was an invisible shadow.

We both stayed watching TV till we fell asleep on the couch. While sleeping I felt a soft, smooth and tender palm on my palm like I was shaking someone then I opened my eyes woah it's Elvis holding my hand and staring at me like he has been up since and waiting for me too.

We stared at each other again and I was scared what happened before might repeat itself giving me one bloody Deja Vu. But no! this time it was different I felt safe and loved just looking at his blue loving eyes and his face gave me chills all over my body. I still kept on staring at him as he did me until he touched my face and said “there was no need for the apology, I wasn't vexed neither was I angry it was just a reflex reaction I get when people get close” so yeah I felt relieved at that point, then I remembered Ohhhhhhh Nooo he kissed a girl. So I asked who the girl he kissed yesterday was and then he smiled and said “she is my Ex, like we broke up yesterday and I had to give her a goodbye and goodnight kiss.

I was about replying when immediately he pulled close and kissed me. I stood up like I was going to leave because the rush was too much and *Ohh Nooo am having a panic attack* he immediately followed me and said “please don't go”.

The kiss then continued till we were in his room and on his bed and we continued till we smooched and I was so lost in the moment. It was my first and most intimate kiss.

The end
© i_am_me