

The Voice
"Blake, what are you waiting for?" the voice in my head got louder. "Come on you're already half way there, just finish it!" The phone in my pocket started to vibrate. I took my finger off the trigger, uncocked the 45 and set it on the bed next to me.
I reached in my pocket pulling out my phone and answered it. "Hello sweetie, what's going on?" I asked already knowing her reply. "Can you come pick me up?" She asked. "Yeah but you know I have to go to work in an hour so you'll have to stay with grandma till I get off." I said as I put the 45 in the safe. "When will you get off?" My daughter asked with sadness in her voice. "I won't get off until 1:00am but you knew that." I tried to explain. "I just remembered I have to do something for mom. I love you bye." she said as she disconnected the call.
The frustration from my past mistakes boiled in my brain as I got dressed and walked out the door. I got inside my beat up truck and tried to start it. After a few tries it finally turned over. I looked back at the house I was living in. The whole house was a wreck but I was glad a friend gave me a bed to sleep in till I could get somewhere to stay. "Just look at that piece of shit! You call that home!" The voice in my head spoke but I ignored it for now. I pulled out of the gravel driveway. "Think about it. if just one of your ex's didn't do what they did then you wouldn't be in this predicament." I turned up the radio to drown out the voice. "With your best friend too. what a bitch." The voice continued to speak.
I tried to block out the voice and hadn't noticed my speed was over eighty MPH on back roads. Boom! A tire blew out. I lost control of the steering and the truck flipped five times until it came to a stop. I blacked out.
I started to regain consciousness and looked around. luckily I had been wearing my seatbelt or maybe not lucky. I guess it just depends on your perspective. I undid my seatbelt and fell from my seat were I had been hanging upside down. I began to crawl out the broken window. Bits and pieces of glass dug into my hands and knees. I stood up and looked around. There was no one for miles and from the looks of the sky it was getting dark. I pulled out my phone. It had a small crack in the screen but still worked. I could see that I had several missed calls from my boss on the display. I had no phone service and from the time on my phone, I've been out for four hours. "Unbelievable." I said calmly. "You know you're fired, right?" The voice said. "Yes! I know! Don't remind me!" I yelled back.