

Sunrise Pt. 1
Our group had gone to a nearby city to get a break from life and enjoy the beach and the alcohol.. The city was a 6-7 hr bus ride away from our college.. She too was with us.. That's how we initially met, bec of this group..
We reached our destination by mid day, relaxed and enjoyed the entire time.. The night as when alcohol came in.. I had already planned the night out.. All of us would drink and have fun, then one by one everyone would go to sleep.. All went according to the plan, and I managed to keep just the two of us awake till around 4 in the morning.. That's when I asked her if she wanted to grab a cup of tea.. Both of us drunk, went out searching for a roadside tea shop.. We had our tea, watched the sunrise.. Life was good.. We were happy..
Or at least I thought we were..