

I picked up my car today.
I had this big plan to refused to pay for something I didn't asked for.I had my phone on record and I had my friend with me.
After a long back and forth getting nowhere I gave in .
Another 340 bucks I paid. Add it all up 1740 dollars to fix my car .
I thought to take them to small claims court.
If I can't him to see it my way how will I prove that they did what they want and i told them to do the work..
My car runs fine . I guess the Good Lord will bless me because I didn't act a fool I didn't shout I didn't cuss.i didn't threatened them .
Well if they treated my Lord in a bad way I shouldn't expect anything less.
I feel they took advantage of me .I feral they did something to my starter .i feel they did everything on purpose.i must pay or they would hold my car hostage .
It turns out I could've fixed that starter myself.
I will get my due from them and all mechanic that did not give me a fair shake or not their best work.
I will never trust them again.