

Tamed by love
They say is blind but it can also open many eyes and make a person better. Let us meet arrogant, bad boy Kenn and shy, introverted and angelic Katie. What happens when two opposite worlds collide and fall in love, is love enough for someone to change their behavior and try to be better?

Katie is a first year University student in UJ and she makes sure to avoid any kind of drama especially the boy drama. She has never been in a relationship ever since she was born and she is really not about to start now as she knows her studies come first and especially now as she has come so far. Her life is the same always, to school and straight home nothing more and nothing less. We can not say she has never loved anyone but she never intended to have anything with that person as she knows him better than anyone from primary to the end of high school that seems enough to know a person. This person is no other than exactly the opposite to her, Kenn who is the worst play boy and she was surely never gonna be ready to just throw herself to a hole while seeing it and the deepness.

From primary school Kenn has been trying to get Katie to be his but everything he tried seemed to go in vain. He used to ask those closest to her to tell her about how he feels for her as somehow he couldn't get close to her without being nervous or not being able to pour out his love for her and the friends did try as they knew he really loved her but Katie was a real hard to get, even her friends failed at their trying. A year passed without seeing each other and Katie went to a far University and Kenn went to a University near his home with his friends and his behavior never got better at that time but although he fouled around his heart was with one person. They didn't get to see each other much as Katie came home twice during long school holidays and still stayed inside her home even on those days. When they passed each other maybe on the road by luck they shared a simple greeting, one who saw could say they never knew each other and Katie was sure he never loved her, he just wanted to prove he could get what others failed to obtain which is her heart, although a little hurt she was happy she never gave in to his words and charms.

One warm Christmas Eve afternoon Katie was home she was sent with her niece to her uncle's (father's brother) home to send some presents. On their way she saw Kenn who she haven't seen in a while and she had mixed emotions, love and hate as he once had an affair with her cousin just to get her to be jealous but although she was, she was also good at hiding her feelings. Kenn was with his friends near a shop and as he turned he noticed her passing by and his old feelings were awakened.
"Oh no! " she said silently only for her to hear as she saw him looking on their way.
She was ready to go as fast as she could to reach her uncle's house as it was visible to their eyes showing it was near but to her bad luck her uncle's daughter, Bridget came out of the shop with a plastic meaning she was done with her shopping. When she was out she noticed them and called for them to wait and they did as she didn't want to draw any attention, on that time Kenn was still staring at her like he is figuring something out. Bridget reached them and they started walking and she almost forgot about Kenn from all the talking and catching up.

"Hey everyone", Kenn said while looking straight to Katie's eyes while she was looking down. On that moment Kenn's friends were circling around them and it seems that was the plan, trapping them.
"Oh shoot, what now", Katie thought while grabbing her niece's hand and signaling Bridget to say something.
Bridget knew Kenn was about to try and get to Katie's heart himself by the look in his eyes but she didn't want anyone to hurt her sister.
"And then, what now Kenn?" Bridget asked.
"Oh nothing sister in law, just wanted to have a chat with my, mmmh.. what the word? he said.
" Love perhaps", one of his friends said.
" Oh yah that is it", he said with a smile while looking Katie in the eyes to see her reaction. But she just stared on the road with her face emotion less and that she has mastered.
" Oh sorry, we are in a hurry as we still have to get back home", Katie said while still looking away.
From this Kenn knew he had to be a bad boy worse than he already is and take what is his by force. They had two knives on them as they were eating oranges and the knives belonged to the shop they were near. Somehow they thought Katie would barge due to being scared as they showed them the knives. But they were wrong again, Kenn dragged her out of the circle his friends had made and tried to tell her his feelings but although she may have had feelings for him she was not about to let her guard down while he was still acting so childish.

Kenn's friends were also blackmailing Bridget to kiss one of them while Kenn was giving up on Katie as he tried to kiss her but she pushed him away, obviously she was not about to let her first kiss be wasted. Somehow they all started running away as one of the guy's father was passing with his car and he was a really strict guy they didn't want him to even see them. When the father has passed Kenn looked back as he was not far from Katie and saw Katie while carrying her niece talking and hugging a handsome guy who is about the same age as them, she seemed happy and relieved in his arms, he got really jealous. As also his friends had stopped they saw he was hurt and without thinking twice he threw one of the knives at the boy hugging Katie and his friends saw what he was doing and threw the other as they didn't want to see him hurt, also they knew that their knife would miss the target as they were far but for his, they were sure it was not as he never miss a target. His knife flew straight at the boy but Katie saw it, she putted her niece down and turned the man in front of her and the knife stubbed her on the side of her arm not causing severe damage though. Bridget was shocked and started crying but Katie's eyes lacked even one tear. Kenn saw the other knife coming and managed to stop it with his hands and it left a scar in his hand, he didn't care about his wound but cared more about what he had done and that he just wounded the love of his life.
" I'm sorry my Angel", he said for himself to hear.
As Katie was looking straight at him, she saw what he was saying through his mouth movement.
His friends saw how broken he was and ran to him and urged him to not give up on what belongs to him.
"Are you going to be fine sis?" said the man Katie was hugging who is her younger brother Ben who was already at their uncle's home a while back and was on his way to meet them, although he is almost the same age as them Katie treat him like a child.
"I'm fine little bro", Katie said while pulling the knife out and wrapping her wound with a piece of her clothing still staring at heartbroken Kenn and a tear now fell from her eyes which she suddenly wiped away.
From what Kenn heard he was sure to turn around, he was feeling more guilt as he has tried to stub the brother of someone he loves the most and always had and it didn't hit his mind it was her brother until he got a closer look when he was turned.

The others heard too and laughed at him.
" You wanted to stub your brother in law", one of his friends said.
"Oh jealousy can make people cra..zy", all his friend said in Union while pretending to wipe a tear away.
" I'm such a fool, she hates me for sure now", Kenn said while putting his face on his hands.
Katie and her family continued on their way and they arrived at Bridget's home (their uncle's house) and they went back to their own home in the evening and thankfully it was summer it didn't get dark until really late in the evening. When they went back home Katie, her brother and their niece Katie was good as new as her wound was now cleaned and well bandaged, it looked not more then a little cut now. They were walking home as fast as they could to arrive a little earlier than expected when one of Kenn's friends stopped them.

" Hey Katie, I just wanted to apologise on everyone's behalf especially Kenn, it is just he really loves you and when he saw him he got really hurt and jealous as we were not aware he is your brother, you know how conserved about yourself you are", Kenn's friend said and gave her a note that is from Kenn.
Her brother took the letter as Katie was still a bit angry because of Kenn's childish or bad boy behavior and the friend left happy the letter and apology was accepted.
" Oh sister you never told me that you had a boy like this, someone who can kill and die for you is a keeper, look he even wrote a letter for you", her brother said with a childish, playful smile.
" You mean who almost injured my little bro, oh now that is sweet", she said while taking the letter away from her brother and holding the sleeping niece in her arms.
" Thanks for saving me okay but he also got injured from that second knife to pay for his jealousy mistake, now let read the letter", he said while holding back a laugh.
" No no, let hurry home before we get a huge lecture and I don't want to be on ' Santa's or can I say mom's bad list ', she said with a little smile on her lips.

They hurried back home and arrived just before their mother called to check where they were or start calling their uncle. They didn't share the day's incidence just they assured they got the parcels in good shape to the uncle's home, Ben kept trying to communicate with Katie with his eyes while preparing for Christmas with their mom, wanting to know what the letter said. But she pretended to not understand his sign language when she certainly did, it was just she had not read the letter and was not sure if she should. Finally she read the letter and her heart was touched and she knew Kenn loved her as much as she does but still, he was a bad play boy and she knew she wanted someone who will be with her forever and Kenn seemed to be still far from that. She told her little bro everything as they were pretty close and shared everything even a tiny bit. He told her she had been suffering a lot as she has always loved him since he first sent her friends to talk to her for him but has been avoiding and hiding her feelings ever since.

Christmas and the days after passed and it was New year's Eve the time for new beginnings. Katie and her brother were just being dropped by a taxi as they were coming back from town to buy some little things their mother needed as their older siblings were busy and some had visited their friends or others went to extended families. As they were done getting their plastics down from the taxi they saw Kenn walking up the path that they were supposed to take which lead back to their home. Katie started blushing and froze with her share of shopping bags, her brother nudged her motioning her to go and talk to her supposed to be lover. Katie just looked down and motioned her body to walk to her home and pay no attention to Kenn. From what she has heard from her brother and others Kenn has changed his bad behavior and they say it is for her. Kenn stared at her for a while until Ben cleared his throat near and he snapped out of it.
"Go for it bro, take this chance", Ben whispered to Kenn so that his sister will not hear as she was a little behind from him.
" I don't think she will ever give me a chance", Kenn said back.
Ben just rolled his eyes and pushed him towards his sister and winked at her.
"I hate you", Katie said silently to his brother but he knew what she was saying as he was reading her lips and he already knew exactly what she was going to say.
"And I love you more", he said while waiting for her in a far distance but did not want to leave her behind as not to get into trouble with their mother.

Kenn started coming near Katie trying to speak to her, as he got near he lost his words due to this beautiful angel in front of him.
"Umm, I am sorry for the last time and I hope you read my letter",Kenn said.
"Don't sweat it, all is forgiven and the letter, yeah",Katie said.
"Katie, my Angel I love you and always had, since the first time I saw you and that well is, our primary school life and I have even changed for you", he said while biting his lower lip.
"Oh Kenn I didn't want you to change who you are, just don't be a play boy and I know you deep down, you are a good person",she said while looking away.
"Does that mean you also feel the same way as me", he said.
Katie did not answer, just kept her eyes down to avoid eye contact with the handsome, well built and breath taking man in front of her and she knew her heart was saying yes as an answer.
Kenn stared at her and she was getting beautiful by second, that figure, hips and slim body or and those lips, he sure could not hold himself. Although he was scared but he had to try another strategy to find out how she felt so he leaned closer and planted a kiss in her lips. He could not get back so he held her tight and waited for her to push him back but she didn't so he deepened the kiss, he invaded her mouth and finally ended the kiss so they could both breath.

Ben was watching every moment and raised thumbs up to Kenn as he knew they both loved each other very much. He also knew true love could make a person serious and leave every childish behavior behind.
"Can we go now!", Ben said to his sister.
She didn't answer or say anything, just picked her bags and was about to leave when Kenn held her hand ,turned her to face him and looked at her with a questioning face.
"I love you and can you be mine?", said Kenn.
She said nothing but smiled and turned away to leave, then Kenn planted a kiss on the hand he was holding.
As she turned she turned straight at him and they were pretty close to each other, they could hear each other's heart beats.
"Maybe we could start by being friends",she said.
He did not answer just looked at her and shook his heard agreeing with her as he knew he had to get closer to her.
"To know each other better ",she said .
"Ok but I won't give up ",Kenn said.
" I know", she said silently but Kenn heard and smiled while waving good-bye to his Love's brother.
She walked faster to catch up with her brother and they continued on their way home while she was still smiling and blushing.
Her brother was happy as he knew she was happy although she was hiding it but he knew her better.

As they arrived home they prepared for their new year's day and stayed awake the whole New year's Eve. In the evening Kenn was also thinking about his Angel and when he putted his hands in the pockets of his jacket, boom to his surprise there was a paper in his pocket and it was Katie's number with her initials.
" You are full of surprises Angel and I will make you mine soon",he said to himself.
In the following morning at 12:00 am he sent her a message wishing her a happy new year.
Kenn was happy to be closer to getting the heart of his soulmate and was sure to never let her go and he left his bad behavior behind as he had no time to play because he had a whole package of his heart in his hands and had to do better in his studies to impress her. And getting her number was a good sign, he was always thinking about her and so was she. She was his although she didn't agree to be his girlfriend, she just didn't want distractions and she wanted her partner to be her best friend first so that they know each other better than anyone.

In the morning of the new year Kenn video called Katie and at that time she was chilling with her brother after she was done with preparing for the new year family gathering. They all just chatted in the video call and Katie's brother was sure to make Katie uneasy until she agrees to be in a relationship with Kenn.
"It is good for you to have a boyfriend as I can't always put my own plans with my girl on hold for you sister",Ben said to Katie.
"Ok now I was a problem, but that what sisters are for right", said Katie while looking at her brother with a cute look.
" Or and it's Boy friend, space between the line brother, s-p-a-c-e", said Katie while smiling a little.
" Mmmmm, I don't know ",Ben said with a little loud voice to make her sister feel awkward as Kenn was also listening.
"Oh well that was the best Christmas gift", said her brother to Kenn.
"Indeed it was and the best new beginning", he answered smiling to himself. Hearing Katie's voice, seeing her and being close to her made his day and this was really a good new beginning. Also he was happy as he was sure he saw Katie blushing when his brother said he didn't know if the friend thing is true which means they can and will be more, she loves him.

© lungy