

Don't look back
The instructions were clear:
Go in, retrieve the package and, don't look back.
They were that simple.
He did everything right till he looked back. Sunny was curious to see what was behind him. Something breathed and then Sunny the Sprite turned to stone! Dark had no choice, but to go back to the Kingdom and tell Queen Clarion. She asked angrily, "You both went to the mountain alone?" Dark looked down, then at her blushing. He nodded saying, "Sunny wanted to see this Basilisk. He didn't want to be scared like he always was of everything unknown. For once, Sunny wanted to grow taller, not smaller." The Queen said, "I will get Merlin. You stay in this Kingdom and tell the other Sprites to do so!" Queen Clarion flew to Merlin. Dark hoped Merlin could do something for Sunny. He didn't want his friend to be stone forever. Dark told the Never Sprites to stay in the Kingdom. Darling would have anyway, but Mickey was in the mountain with her. Goldie went with Darling, Mickey, Dark and Sunny. She stayed with Darling and Mickey. The boys wandered off and tried to get that sparkling package they had seen unopened the day before. Dark asked himself why such a package was left to be taken and not given to someone already, or at least put away for the recipient. Dark realized it may be a ploy! He cursed in Never Sprite. Dark overheard some conversation about Mandrake that evening. He vowed to help Merlin find it! Merlin said "Lad, Mickey needs you and your dark vision. I'll find it myself." Merlin disappeared; Dark helped Mickey find various items and creatures.