

In a school a boy used to get bullied every single day about not spelling words right. But he wanted to be a writer. So the teacher sent the boy to special education class. The teacher the class greeted him and welcomed him in. She asked about his dream. So he said,"I want to be a writer someday, but that will never happen because I can't even spell things right." So the teacher said " you should never think less about yourself, perhaps YOU CAN ACHIEVE UNLESS YOU WORK FOR IT." So he started really doing hard, and also graduated from the college. He then stared writing books, and tried selling them. But no one even bothered to buy his books. So thought of giving up, but he remembered his teacher's words and again started trying hard. As time goes by, he becomes one of the best selling authors in the country. Hethen decides to pay his teacher a visit. The teacher is amazed by his presence. He then gives his teacher his book signed by him. Just then his childhood friend who was actually working in the same school as Janitor comes to the teacher's office is shocked to see his friend. He then feels sorry for the things he did to him in his childhood. Ths friend forgives him a give him too a book signed by him.

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