

Jesus walks on the water
it had been a very long day Jesus and the disciples have been out teaching about God and performing miracles about 5,000 people follow Jesus and the rest of the day teaching ,and feeding them when the day was over and the crowd when leaving Jesus told the disciples to go find their boat and go back to the other side of the lake when everyone had left us when up to the mountainside by himself to pray when Jesus had finished playing he came to the Shore where the disciples haveleft some time ,earlier he couldn't see the boat but it was a quite far away the wind had taken them faster across the lake than usually Jesus help to get to the other side of the lake and joined the disciples so he started to walk on the water to what they both the disciples was kept thinking that was a ghost in the spoke to them saying it is me don't be afraid Peter reply Lord if it is you call me to join you on the water is called Peter saying come headPeter jumped out of the boat and started working on the water to what diseases but when he saw the wind and storm me he got scared and started thinking he cried master save me Jesus image ently reached out and grabbed his hand and said you of little faith, why did you doubt then they both of them climb into the boat and the storm calmed down the disciples who were in the boat worshipped God saying truly you are the son of the God crossing over they reach the Genesis
© Christine