

The Perpetrator

My friend and I heard of this church down by the Red River that was haunted by the former priest.. The church was shut down because bad things because bad things start happening.. We both agreed on going to the church this one night he was staying the night, so we waited for my parents to fall asleep. When the clock hit 11:01 p.m. they were passed out, we left and headed out to the Red River. When we started to approach the river all we could smell was dead people. All we could see was fog. I barely noticed the bridge we had across to get to the church. As we crossed the bridge we both acknowledged the bad energy we felt. When we finally got to the church we look through the windows because we were curious as to what was inside. Then all of a sudden the door is porcelli swung open long open, everything glass started to rattle, shake and break. Objects that were much larger started being thrown at us. We tried running but the demon was forcing us to stay. We couldn't let loose. We got knocked out by a flying pew, ended up falling asleep on the ground and when we woke up we both looked at each other and screamed. As we ran home we both promised to never go to the church ever again.© All Rights Reserved