

Rebecca the arrest
Judge Rebecca was arrested for driving under the influence. She was brought to the county jail. She was fingerprinted and processed. She was frisked. She was patted down. She had to remove all jewelry. "strip naked! everything! "the officer said.
Rebecca knew about the jail procedure. She knew that striping naked was part of being booked. she still did not like it. Even with her speeding and alcoholic tendencies, she never thought she would end up in jail. She. She does not believe that she had to remove her clothing.
She was very modest. She. Always had body image issues even when she was a kid. She was fairer than growing up. She still worked on her weight. She did not want to change in the locker room at school.at college, she made sure she was not seen nude even by getting a roommate.
She kicked off her shoes. Her bare feet were examined by the gourd. She ran her gloved hands through her toes. She did not find anything out of the ordinary.

She was wearing her famous pantsuit. She was known for wearing them. She unbuttoned the sports coat. It had three buttons. She removed them one by one. She pulled the jacket off. She handed it to the officer. Officer erin looked it over. She ran her hands through it. She pulled it inside and out. She was thorough. it did not contain any contraband.
She unbuttoned her blouse. She started at the top button and worked to her waist. It was a white shirt. She got nervous the more buttons she undid. She retracted the garment and pulled it off. She wore a tank top underneath. Erin looked it over. She made no assumption. She assumed that she was hiding something.
She tugged at the bottom of her tank top. She peeled off the tank top and pulled it up to her neck. She pulled it over her head. She pulled it off completely. It revealed her bra.
Erin looked over the tank top. She was just as thorough as she had been. The new arrival was the enemy no matter who they were. They were a threat no matter what. To Erin, there were no exceptions to that.
She once had a pregnant pastor's wife who was shoot by an intruder with her husband. Gun. Erin treated her like she was a mass murderer or a terrorist. She had a husband and kids. She was a mama bear. She believed she needed to protect society from those who come in there.

She unbuttoned her pants. she pulled the pants down her legs and to her feet. she took her feet out of the pants. She gave it to the officer. She was not in her bra and panties. She never thought that she would be in public in her Bra and panties. She felt so degraded and humiliated. She knew it was about to get worse.
She unhooked her bra. she pulled it off. She had nice boobs. She was a double -D. She was in her forties. Her boobs saged a bit. They were still nice. She had multiple kids which took a toll on them. She still had no boobs. she liked her tits. she thought it was one of her best features.

She pulled her panties down her legs. she pulled them off. She took her feet out of the panties. She was completely nude. She was not fat by any stretch of the imagination. She had a little bit of a belly from multiple pregnancies. She did exercise at the gym. she tried to stay healthy and in shape, but she felt so humiliated.
She shivered. The room was kept cold on purpose. The staff wanted the new rivals.t be uncomfortable. They wanted to neutralize them as a threat as much as possible.
She had her stand by the wall. she was to and against the wall with her stomach to the wall. She was told to put her hands on the wall. She was told to spread her legs. While other officers treated her as a rock star, Erin treated her as a common criminal.in her eyes, she was nothing more.
She checked her hair. She ran her gloved hands through her hair. She checked every part of her hair. She had encountered female inmates who had head lice before. That was not the case with Rebecca. She did not have any lice or anything else.

She checked her neck. She ran her hands down her back. She checked every curve. Her hands were cold. She shivered and her body went into almost a convulsion. This did not phase Erin. That was to be expected. She went over every area of her back. She then checked the back of her legs.
She took a flashlight and shined it into her hole. She visually inspected her pussey area first. Then she put her fingers inside. She checked for contraband. Rebecca could not believe this was happening. She just wanted it over.
She was told to change positions. she stood at attention with her back to the wall. She checked her front. . She checked the front of another neck. She checked her boobs. she tried not t get aroused. She liked her boobs being fondled. she moved to her belly as her waist. We checked her legs.
She was taken to a bathtub. She told her to get in. Erin bathed her. She washed her boobs and belly button. she washed her legs and feet and back. She washed her hair. She tried to fight arousal when she washed her privates. She dried her off with a towel.
She was taken to the infirmary. She saw doctor Sarah. "hello your hornor," Sarah said. "hi Sarah. It's good to see you. "Rebecca said. "I wish it was under bad circumstances m," she said. She got on the table. She recorded her blood pressure, heart rate, etc. She got her height, weight, and other information. She was given a clean bill of health.
She was returned to intake. "this way Becky !" Erin said. "I go by Rebecca!" she said. "you will go what I tell you to go by. "Erin said. She backed off. "put these on!" Erin ordered. On the table were a bra, diaper, and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was pink. It said county jail inmate.
"I don't need a diaper. I don't have a problem with incontinence."Rebecca said. "there are no toilets in the cell. We find many inmates have bladder control issues. Those are the rules. We don't make exceptions. "she said.
She got the impression that she had better back off. So she did. She took out the diaper. She put it on. She closed the flaps. Erin made sure that the flaps were secure. It felt squishy and weird. She put on the bra. She put on the t-shirt.
"where are my pants?" she asked. "you don't get pants. All you get is a t-s and diaper. "she said. She was handcuffed and stacked. Her waist and feet were chained. it was almost impossible to walk chained. She was barefoot. She was not given shoes. She was put into a cell. She was unshackled.
"oh how the mighty have fallen." her cellmate said. She recognized her cellmate. Shayla was a frequent shoplifter. She had also been arrested for assault and other mischief.
"Hello, shay. I know I am a hypocrite."Rebecca said. "I never thought I would be I'm a cell with you. "Shayla said."not did I. "Rebecca said. "what are you here for? "she asked.."d.u.i," she said. "wow. "she said.
Another inmate was pressuring himself in her diaper. It was against the rules to get inside your diaper. Rubbing your diaper was permitted. It was a bit gross. Rebecca decided not to make a big deal out of it.
One girl seemed almost catatonic. "hi I a Becky," she said. "she arrived a couple of hours ago. She has not said anything ." Shayla said.
The girl was in her early twenties. She was pregnant. "guards call her nicky. She shot an intruder. She used. Her husband's gun." Shayla said. Rebecca lay down on the floor. It was concrete. Some played a game. Others just hung out.
After a while, they were told to get ready for bed. She combed her hair. She brushed her teeth. There were cots on the floor. She got into bed. It was loud. She had trouble getting to sleep. Her mind raced.
What would happen to her? She could face anything from a fine to a week in jail to probation and or community service to two years in prison. There was a possibility she could be sentenced to five years although it was unlikely. Her judicial cater was almost certainly over ..she would have to leave the state Supreme Court. Hopefully, she could resign and not be impeached.
Her reputation would be forever tarnished her mugshot with her in a t-shirt and diaper would be in the paper. It would be on the county jail's website and other sites. her friends and family would be made aware of what had occurred. She was not sure if she should plead guilty and try to get a plea bargain or take it to trial. She doubted that she would be acquitted.
She tried not to be overly scared. she was. She did finally fall asleep.
She was woken up by a gourd. She had to hop. Out of the mattress. She styled her hair. She had to pee so badly. She was told that if she had to go, she had better do it now because she would not get a fair chance again till after court. She could not get herself to pee. Her body would not release the urine. She concentrated. Finally, the urine is released. The pee came out slowly. Then it gushed.
They watched her pee. "you are enjoying this?" she asked.."we all went through this. We all have been initiated" Katie said. She was degraded and humiliated. It kind of felt good. She kinda liked it. She would never admit it.
The guards came in. They all got diaper changes. Officer Tammy took off her soiled diaper." your honor you have been busy."Tammy said. Tammy called her by her title but it was in a condescending tone. She gave her a fresh diaper.
They were taken to the mess hall. Breakfast was eggs, tater tots, and oatmeal. The eggs were runny and watered down. The oatmeal was mushy. The tater tots were hard. It was something she supposed. she eat it. She. Hid her dislike for the food. She did not want to be labeled as miss priss. She eats it up.
After breakfast, they were taken to the transfer area. They would be taken to the courthouse ..they would make their initial court appearance. She was not sure how she would plea. She might not enter a plea. She was not sure.

They were shackled and put on thr bus. They were taken to the courthouse. It was a fairly short drive. They were taken inside. They were taken to a waiting area. Then they were taken to the courthouse.
It was not lost on her that. This was her court house up until a few mouths ago. She was the other side of the court house. Now she was a defendant.