

Chapter 2
After a few seconds I didn't feel a thing. Until a sharp pain entered my stomach. I wrapped my arms around my it. I curled up on the side of my bed. It felt like someone stabbed it. So it is piosion. But who wants to kill me so badly.
I closed my eyes... thinking that it would help. It didn't. I opened my eyes again cause my arms started to burn. I looked down at my arms. Red bumps were on them, white patches, and black dots that looked like holes. Then the next thing I knew....it was pitch black.

In the morning.
I opeaned my eyes and looked at the clock. 10:45.
Great I'm late for school. I got up and gasped. My clothes.... it's really....baggy. I jumped up from my bed and looked in the mirror.
I....I couldn't believe it. Before my hair was a nasty,messy blonde, my eyes were blue, I was fat, and I had a round face. But right now it looks like I am looking at a stranger. I now have silky, black hair, dark red eyes, pale skin, skinny body, fangs, fuller lips, and I have cheekbones. I stared at my reflection in awe. I look so different. And... prettier. But....I don't have anything that fit me. Wait...I still have mom's clothes. I ran out of my room and went into mom's old room. Where is it?
Where is it? I looked around the room. Ha found it. I ran towards the chest that is filled with mom's clothes and opeaned it. And they are just the size that will fit. I looked around in it. Ah the leather jacket is definitely calling me. I pulled it out and put it to my right side. Oh and these black shorts will go great with them. I put them to the side as well. I also pulled fish net leggings, black boots, and a grey shirt that says "I don't care" hmm that is what I usually say. I put it with the pile, grabbed them and went up to my room to put them on. As soon as I got them on I looked in the mirror. I look...like a hot biker. I smiled and my new reflection smiled back.
Wait hold on...how am I going to explain my new look. Oh what am I going to do. Them I remembered. The guy said it can also give you powers. I looked at my computer on my desk. Maybe I can control technology. I focused my mind on the computer and then it turned on. Oh...I could get use to this.
Although...I still wonder who is that guy. Why does he want to help? Ugh I don't have time for this I have to go to school. As soon as I put on those color contacts I used for Halloween for cosplaying belle. Ha...beta they are celebrating that Jane isn't here. Now I have to think of a name for me. Hmm....Jackie.