

Chapter 1
"Watch where your going you Fat bitch!!", a cheerleader yelled from behind me. People called me that for...uh six..seven years. I don't really care. I walked towards my locker and dialed the combination two times and if finally clicked. But as soon as I opeaned it....a letter fell out. I picked it up and looked at it. It didn't even had a name on it. I tear it opean and began to read it.

Dear Jane,
I have something that you might want. Come and meet me at the abandoned shed that is not far from here. Be sure to be there at 3:56.
And you might not want to be late. I have plenty other people who might want it.

Not even signed at the bottom of the note either. And who even send me this? And what is it that they think that I want so bad?
I folded the note and put it back in my locker. I grabbed the stuff that I need for my 3rd class and tried to hurry. "Look at her. She is so fat...I think she might explode", I stopped and look back to see who said that. A guy with a black leather jacket, black shoes, black pants, pale skin, brown eyes, and red hair. Tim. Ugh...I really...really don't like him. He tried going to the girls room to see underneath their clothes, put toothpaste in the cupcakes for a party, tripped a guy in a crutch, and destroyed my project for science. I forward and headed to my class. He is just a jerk.
After 3rd period was done I headed to the cafeteria. I snuffed the air. It smells like we are having...hamburger, fries, apple pie, peach cobbler, and something else. I couldn't tell. As soon as I got my plate I finally found what it was. outdated broccoli. Bleh.
I filled my plate with two hamburgers, 3 cups of fries, 4 slices of pie, and a pile of peach cobbler. What can I say...I am a very hungry girl. I took my tray and hurried to the library.
It took me 10 minutes to get there and set my tray down on the table.
I looked up to see if anyone was around. Nope. Not even the librarian. I unwrapped my hamburger and took a huge bite out of it. The flavor is so mouthwatering. Now I know most people say that the school's food is disgusting, but to me....it taste delicious. It two 3 huge bites to finish my first hamburger. And just when I was about to eat my other hamburger...the stupid bell started to ring. Great!!! I didn't even get a bite of my pies. Angry and filled with steam and I took my tray and headed out of there. And for some reason my head...it started to hurt. I dropped my tray and put my hands to my head.
I opeaned my eyes and found myself in the nurse's office. Uh winder how long it took for them to pick me up and put me here.
"Ah you finally woke up.", I looked at the nurse's fake smile. Everyone has been giving me that smile many..many times...that I have lost count. "looks like your blood sugar is low dear.", She gave me something for it. "Let me guess took you awhile to walk to lunch and barely got a bite.", I rolled my eyes at her. Her jet black hair was in a messy bun, her clothes were different colors, and her glasses was a little crooked. Looks like she had trouble putting the baby to sleep again. "Can I go?", I asked. She nodded. I looked at the clock. 3:32 the buses already left. looks like I have to walk home.
After 11 minutes I have my stuff and was out the door. I was lucky that the nurse's office and my class was near the front door. Then I remembered the note. I looked beside the school. A truck was parked at the abandoned shed. I walked towards the shed. And yes it took me awhile to walk there.
I looked at my watch. Made it just in time. "Finally...now come with me.", the masked guy turned and walked ahead. It took me a minute to process what he said with that thick mask. I followed. He opeaned the door for me and let me in first. I am surprised how patient he was. Usually someone would push me, cut in front, or just complained. As I got in, he shut the door. I turned and faced him. I watched as he took something out of his pocket. "Now...you must never tell anyone that I brought you this.", he told me. "How can I if I don't know your name or even see your face.", I said. He showed me a vial with red substance that seem to glow. "This will give you strength, speed, a power, and will make lose that weight.", I looked at him after he said that. "Really?", I looked at him with happiness. It will make me lose weight. He nodded and warned "But it has some side affects. And you have to drink all of it. Not a single drop left." I nodded. "And be sure to drink it when you get home, or someplace where no one can see you.", he opeaned the door. I hesitated cause I some questions. 1, is he a wizard?2, where did he get the ingredients?
3, who is he?
I walked out of the shed. Wait is this a prank? And if it isn't..what are the side affects?
After 3 hours...I finally made it home. "Jane..Jane is that you?", Aunt Peggy asked. "Yes.. it's me!!", I yelled. "What happened?", She got out of the kitchen and looked at me. "Uh..I got bus left. That's all.", she dies not need to know that I passed out. "Oh well.. do you want something to eat dear.", she went back to the kitchen. "No grandma....I am just going to go to my room.", I ran to my room, opeaned the door, closed it, got on my bed, and took out the vial. Is it actually piosion? And if it is...should I throw it out? What if it really will make me lose weight. After a few minutes...I drinked it.
I hope it works.