

My Best Friend, Dark Secrets
Can you remember when you met your very best friend. I didn't remember, but it slowly came back to me. What I remember is that this small petite girl with long hair and green eyes wearing jeans and a button up shirt came walking in my classroom and forever changed my life. From day one we were unseperable. We did everything together. I mean everything, up until we turned 16 years old and became interested in sex. I had met a guy named Tim and oh my did my body start acting crazy. She hadn't found anyone she was interested in. Or so I thought. But I was so wrong. I began noticing little things that were different about her since we had seen each other last. It was really weird so I started checking things out. After a few days I hit the mother load. But what I found made me sick to my stomach. My best friend the only best friend I had ever had was teamed up with my first and only boyfriend to ruin my life. I had it all right here in plain view. As I was going through all the evidence in front of me. I found something that was way worse than trying to mess my credit up or trying to make my mom and dad think bad things about me. They wanted me dead...... why? who were they? and what did they have against me? It would take more digging to find out but I had to go at it a different way a safer way. Tomorrow I would officially take some sick days from school and I would be stalking the stalkers.
© Matilda Hodges