

Standing Alone
What a way to get kicked out of the place I rent....

I was fed up and had no other way to remove myself from a person that didn't necessarily need me in they're life...

I've been called names and even told that am the side dude...

I have no choice but to leave and have control of what comes next....

I stared at the beautiful stars in the sky a bit helpless I felt....

I have many options now especially sense I have so many canisters of marijuana a full lighter and my phone is charged full battery....

What could possibly go wrong.....

As soon as I said that the college lights from all over the campus began too blink...

I was startled and still shocked on why I knew I wasn't high yet....

I was hurt emotionally that being afraid was not what I cared about feeling...

Something to shake these negative thoughts away would be perfect....

So I lit my pipe with cannabis in it and began to smoke....

An the more I puffed the more the colors in the light began to change ....

From blue red purple and green....

The scenery changed and I could no longer see the sidewalk lights or the train tracks across the streets....

I was sad and at the same time not worried somewhat proud that this may be the way I die...

I went from sitting on some stairs near a class onto an empty baseball stadium with players which appeared to be as if they were from the past....

Jackie Robinson was waiting to hit his home run...

I looked at my pipe and couldn't help but smoke more....

An out of nowhere the players disappeared and I was alone...

An the sounds of an audience cheering and an a broadcasting narrator had disappeared.....

A strange figure dressed in a black robe laughed an asked if I had enough of seeing what I had seen...
An I said normally I'd be afraid of shit like this but at this point dealing with someone having an affair on me....

I might as well cheer up with a good trip and ask your ass to come smoke too....
He laughed and said well you can return to your reality when you feel like it I'm only the janitor....
An I asked if he had been the only person in the weird form of reality and he said no..
The man in the black robe laughed with a very raspy voice...
You have a great heart you have a lot to live for with or without anyone.....

To Be Continued
© Eyesinthedark