

The remaining death of citizens
It was a Sunny day in Sunnyvale but until there was a lizard big monster destroying the city but the hero saved the city and vanquished but what if the hero died? this is a story where the hero dies and the giant lizard monster took over the city and gave birth with her baby lizard eggs in the city. the remaining citizens evacuated but not whole evacuated because due to debris and rubble of skyscrapers and they might died but the remaining citizens evacuated to the outskirts but the bridge is destroyed so they have to take a speedboat to escape the ruined city and explosion heard behind the remaining citizens a skyscraper collapsing and exploding like a Michael bay movie. Continued, the remaining citizens Didnt have a speedboat or a boat so they went to the sewers they went to the city again center of the city and they saw a manhole and opened it and went inside but dark so someone grab his flashlight and turned on it and they continued and hearing explosion and people screaming and being eaten alive by giant lizard babies and mother lizard as they continued they were lead to a collapsed tunnel sewers so they took the left one and lead to a dead end and they heard bombs falling down and the remaining citizens met their demise.
This is not what the end you were expecting because there's no happy ending.