

I've been very apprehensive of even beginning THIS TALE

This certain story is nothing to take lightly. It shows only a taste of the true nature of that which is not good, along with a mere taste of pure evil that exists right here, and right now. I have observed and have played a part here and there way after this happening came upon me at this particular moment in time. So this is my first actual real encounter with a certainty of the existance of evil walking on this earth. The audacity to show itself to me, a youth in this fractured prison we call earth, and it seemed that this vileness came to the game just to play its joker card.
Thus begins the beginning of the situation given only by show, which had created in me the desire to run like hell. My latest mentor was my father in law which had instilled only one fact,and that was a certainty, in which Jesus Christ was the only man that ever lived who was perfect. The only man that had ever lived upon this earth, with whom had measured exactly 6 ft. tall, from head to toe, and at any time, there will never be any that ever will be exactly six ft. tall
So its quite obvious that my start in this life within the grown ups world was immediately fraught with misguided rules leading to the pathway to the truth. Who the hell am I trying to sell to? Its simply a case of an attempt to have fun, his drunk ass was doing. It did, however, place hurdles in my way leading to the truth. I can't get away with not saying that, for sure. God didn't have anything to do with me back then, as I saw it, and this WAS really how I thought back then. I remember telling God that he hasn't helped me with my hell, as of a very long time now, and therefore, I was now putting God aside and going at it all by myself, alone. So in this way, at least I would be able to take care of myself alot better than God had been doing. But what did I know, I didn't even know any of the word required for a strong structurally safe and sound framework in the necessity of building a strong foundation, of God's word. Or for that matter, wasn't even sure that God was real or not.

Now if you got that, I want to talk, maybe, even talk about marriage, only if you have the correct amount of ribs for my needs. If not, get back on your dark lord's path, start walking, and dont be afraid looking back, salt is a preservative, dontcha know?

It was the early evening of Easter when my soon to be first wife and I decided to take a walk. We walked about four blocks when we decided to take a left down a side street when we observed what looked to be some kind of party going on further up the street. We could actually hear loud music from two blocks away. Drawing closer, we noticed quite a bit of activity happening around the house where that loud music was coming from
As we approached the house, we were noticing people going around the side of the rather large light blue rambler
house that had bushes standing about six feet tall going around its side and all the way, appoximately thirty feet towards the back side. We were discussing whether to crash the party, when my wife took it upon herself to end the uncertainty, and headed across the lawn that separated the house from the neighbors. So, I just followed her lead. We rounded the bush that was at the very end of the house, yet stuck out past the corner of the patio that was connected to the wrap around wooden deck that had been built upon the top of concrete blocks ending in two and a half inch flat blocks placed under the concrete blocks. I noticed this right at first, since my dad did something similar to that configuration at home when I lived there. It allowed for the wooden deck to have airflow under it so it would last longer instead of it laying directly on the ground. There were chairs normally inside of the house, here and there and lawnchairs all around everywhere out on the deck covered by an impressively large patio cover. Looking closer, it was many covers sewn together made of a material that must've been waterproof and wind resistant being held up by metal poles. The place must have been almost filled to capacity with the many people that were there, so it seemed.
It was a party that I had never in my life witnessed before. So many people. So much space and looking so much like richy rich kid was going against his parents stern talk about not having a party before leaving for the week. Just had to have a party, the likes of which, was not to ever happen again in a thousand years. The weird thing was. I felt right at home and my girlfriend felt the same. Everyone we came into contact with were friendly. Drunk, yes, but nice! Some were making asses of themselves not caring if anybody was watching. Now that was my kind of party.
We found a couple of lawn chairs with their backs butted against a part of the deck's outer hand rails, kinda like a two tier wooden fence around the perimeter and nailed to the deck with small bushes bedded in the various small containment rockeries holding small pieces of gravel where all different varieties of plants and bushes were. They were everywhere. This rather full bushy bush that kind of put a bit of a separation between my chair and my girls chair made it so we scooted our chairs closer to each other moving around the bush a foot or so, which, in turn, brought us out further into the party making it so we werent so unnoticed. This wasn't all that bad, but we did crash the party and were trying to seem somewhat invisible. Then I saw a guy sitting on top of a keg of beer with another one in front of him pouring beer into cups and putting the filled cups onto a table where there were ten or fifteen full beers already on it. I asked my girl if she wanted a beer, and she nodded yes, so i asked her to grab one for me since she was gonna get one. Nah, that ain't this guy...that's just wrong. So I got up and said hi, grabbing a couple beers from the table. "This was gonna be great!" I was thinking.
There were couples everywhere just loving each other. Some were talking, some were involved in card games. The ones sitting in front of a flat short living room table, were four or five playing with money, and one couple was using an end table to play cards on. "This was one weird party" is what I said to my girlfriend, with having been to many party's in the past growing up all over that area. My experience at different partys had a radius spanning over fifty miles from one place to the next. And there were always partys going on every week end. Not one of any party i had ever been to had ever come close to how strange and frightening this was. We had been at the party for more than an hour, it felt like, when we were suddenly witnessing the entire party seemed like they became frozen in time It was like time had just stopped, except those that were standing found seats. It was something out of a science fiction movie, or witchcraft. Nobody was saying anything, except I heard a soft voice coming from somewhere on the opposite side from where we sat. The voice grew louder as we saw a person come into view when he passed the farthest reaches of the deck where we first entered the party at. This person was going from couple to couple discussing something that kept them physically unable to move, as with just simply being in his presence, it or something had brought that party to a standstill. The music stopped and evetyone focused on the tall good looking dark haired man that looked to be in his early thirties. By saying nothing as he began his party players shock treatment rendering them speechless and unable to move an inch, the guy was slowly inching his way towards us. It hadn't occured to me why his affects weren't working on me. He had others frozen solid to where they couldn't move a inch until he was done torchering them by condescendingly humiliating everyone he walked up to. I looked over at my girlfriend and she seemed as if she was in some kind of a trance, staring at him while he involved with violating his current victim. Somehow I had gotten her attention letting her know of my plan to sneak unnoticed away from that party. She seemed coherent enough so I thought she was going to follow my lead. It wasn't until i found a wooden sign that said something i couldnt read because I was hiding behind it, that when I looked back behind me, she hadn't been following. I scanned the area but couldn't see her. I couldnt keep going and just leave my girl behind, so i was now stuck where I was. And then the guy powerful enough to bring an entire party to its knees, suddenly stopped heading in the same direction, turned and stopped. Facing his new direction, if he began walking foreward, it would have brought him dangerously close to us, but had turned in the direction of where i immediately saw my girlfriend was now sitting, in his direct path, where she had moved to. It was as if she knew that freak show was about to take an about face cooresponding to a directive subliminaly shared by the two. I didnt stick around after seeing that smooth move witnessed by everyone including me with the guys probable ability to make her fall in love with him only to be dropped from ever so high, crushing her into a flat gooey mess right where she sat. My guess was my girlfriend thought I had left already or really didn't care if i would see this obvious gesture of more than the need to speak to each other, but more like a desire to get a room together with the way he walked right up to my girlfriend grabbing her by one hand, then the other holding them up to his chest as she's being pulled up to him real closelike. Her eyes widened unbelievably huge to where it looked as if she could die a happy girl until he let go of her hands dropping them back to the table where he had grabbed them up from and had placed them tightly into his embrace.
Nah! None of that happened. We made our escape after I told of my plan and to keep close. He did however, sweep through the crowd as if looking for something. I saw his eyes shoot past where I was crouched down behind the back of an upright recliner. Our eyes did not meet. I made sure of it as his were just about to cross with mine and I averted them just in time. He stood there looking in my direction for what seemed like way too long, as if he knew i was there, but turned and walked into the back door of the house The guy was talking loud and was humiliating every person in his path as he made his way to the back door. We left quickly once he entered that house. We didn't say a single word to each other all the way home. And I have never told anyone of this experience until just now.
Ive thought about this guy or whatever it was many times since that night. It was right around Easter was about to turn into the day after Easter when this took place. The guy was the incarnation of such an evil being straight out of hell having fun tormenting those that looked as if they were doing the devils bidding by partying on Easter and continuing on all through the night until the next day. All I know was it was like the worst scary dream I ever had at times ten. Fin