

(Artav Birthday)

As Artav entered the class, he was surprised by Seza. His eyes were full of tears, seeing her effort. He had never felt that special before. He just wanted to hug Seza and hold her until he felt satisfied, but he couldn't because it was class, and he needed to maintain dignity, not just for her but for everyone. He really wanted to cry out loud, but he controlled his emotions. Seza could see the emotions in his eyes; she smiled gently, pulled him in, and handed him the knife to cut the cake. As he made a wish and cut the cake, everyone started singing "Happy Birthday." It was the most memorable moment for him. No one had ever surprised him on his birthday like she did. It was overwhelming. He gave the first cake piece to Seza, followed by Arshana and Parav. The whole class was enjoying. Soon they started cleaning the class and got ready for the classes. Later, Seza gave a gift to Artav. At that moment, he couldn't control his emotions, tears shed from his eyes. Arshana started teasing him, and Seza smiled and asked him to open the gift, but he denied, saying that he would open it later.
That night, after dinner, Seza went to her room to talk to Artav. Her dad called her, saying she should come down. When she went down, Artav was there. She was shocked and asked, "When did you come?" Artav replied, "Just arrived." Seza said, "I was about to call you," blushing. Seza's parents were sitting there as well, along with Artav, so she didn't talk much; instead, she texted him. Seza asked, "Why are you here? Just look at the time." Artav replied, "Actually, your dad called me. I was busy at home, so I couldn't come earlier." Seza said, "Oh yeah! I told him about your birthday, so maybe he wanted to wish you and give some handsome amount for your birthday." Artav teased, "Shut up, silly." It seemed like she was tired, so he told her to go to sleep and let him talk to them.
Seza insisted on staying awake to see Artav and his experience. It was fun chatting nearby. After some time, her parents wished him and gave him blessings and gifts. He blushed while receiving their blessings and gifts. Seza was capturing the moments on her phone to tease him. He stayed almost for an hour and planned to go back home. Meanwhile, Seza's mom asked him to stay the night, but he declined, saying he had some assignments to do. Seza looked at him, confused, as he had just mentioned assignments. Artav understood her expression and shook his head, indicating there were no assignments. Seza was again shocked, wondering how he knew about her inner thoughts. Seza walked with him to his car to bid him goodnight. He went inside his car and handed her a box, saying the first one was for her mom and dad, the second for her brother, and the last for his baby girl. She was amazed, scolding him for bringing unnecessary things. He just smiled and said goodbye. Seza said goodbye and asked him to call as soon as he reached home. She watched until his car was no longer visible.
She went upstairs and gave the boxes as he had said; they were filled with sweets. Seza didn't open her box, but her brother insisted, so she did, finding almost 12 pairs of her favorite Dairy Milk Silk chocolates. She gave a slight smile to her mom and dad but regretted opening it in front of everyone. There was a note inside, which she managed to hide. It was an awkward moment for her. She rushed to her room and read the note. "I know you will kill me after seeing the bundle of chocolates. I know you will definitely say, 'Why did you bring so much?' Please let it go, and I know you don't like chocolate, but I didn't have any other options. Hope you like it and please be sweet like chocolate for today. Don't scold me. Lots of love from your Aatu." She smiled while reading the note, almost reading it twice. She received a call from Artav, who said he had reached home. Seza scolded him for the chocolates, saying one was enough. Artav ignored her scolding, laughing and smiling. He thanked her for the gifts, saying he really loved them. They talked the whole night, and the next day at school, Artav threw a small birthday treat. After Artav's birthday, within 13 days, it was Seza's birthday.
Seza didn't go to school that day. Artav made it special for her, taking her on a long drive to a destination of her choice. They enjoyed the whole day, and he surprised her with many things, promising to bring her happiness beyond her expectations. That night, her family threw a party, and Artav was included. It was the best birthday for her to date. Late at night, as Artav was leaving, he gifted her something big and huge. She managed to carry it to her room, excited to open it. When she did, without any expression, she took out her phone and called him. Artav answered, "Hello, birthday girl." Seza asked, "How did you know?" Artav laughed and asked, "Know what?" Seza insisted, "Just tell me, how did you know about the gift?" Artav chuckled, "Oh, heart to heart connection." Seza cried, and Artav tried to calm her down, saying it was her day, but she insisted she wasn't crying. After a pause, she finally spoke, calling him a jerk for reading her personal diary and feeling embarrassed. Artav assured her he had read it secretly and hadn't read all of it. Seza was relieved and vowed never to give it to him. They talked the whole night. The gift Artav gave was a big-sized Minion, almost 5 ft. Seza had always wanted that Minion as a gift from her loved one, as she had mentioned in her diary secretly almost two years back but had never told anyone. It was in her bucket list (getting teddies from a boyfriend). She had mentioned Minions in code words, and unfortunately, Artav had seen it long before, making her wish come true. She was extremely happy, holding the Minion and thanking God for sending Artav into her life. She slept peacefully.