

Most stories begin with the cliché “once upon a time”, but not in this case for no one knows when it all began.

It is a wildfire, an ancient opium, with lots of plot twists. A double edged sword crowned with the head of the beautiful MEDUSSA.

The heart of men are forged into rock, engraved in it, tales of unspoken words to be taken to eternal glory and hidden in sands of time.

A time when the eyes speak and the mouth rather than speak, chants and sings songs interpreted by hides of the antelopes.

The antelopes far from home but speaks and renders melodies to its kind. For only its kind understands its thoughts.

The thoughts are meant for keeps. Truly, their brothers keepers.

A voyage to the end of the world, out into the wild to face the other side of existence. Man’s biggest enemy is his fear. Conquer it and live or be defeated by it.

This is their story, this is their HERITAGE