

". .. but it's raining outside, do I have to?"
She said, "Please, for me?"
I reluctantly took the umbrella out to an area of what would be called a small porch when we lived in Higashi-zushi, Japan. He was sitting there in the rain, crying.. or so it appeared. I didn't want him to be my new "father" and was honest about it when asked by my mother. But, now even after answering honestly I had to go get this guy out of the rain even if I didn't want to.
My intuition was keen as a four year old, and there was something not right about this individual and I had no interest in him becoming part of a family I didn't know that well.
I had lived with my Grandparents since a few months old. Placed back with my mother in Japan when I was 4. I didn't understand why, nor did I understand the directions. "You're a big girl now and a whole new world will be yours. You need to always say please and thank you, and always keep your knees together and your hands in your lap." Weirdest thing I'd ever heard. "That's what young ladies do."
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