

The Blue Light ( Part 1)
(The speaker in the story is a writer who has rented an old house on the outskirts of a town in California. The house has no electricity and is not well looked after, but the speaker finds its perfect place to write his next novel. After he moves in, the locals warn him that the house is haunted my a ghost name Katherine.The speaker does not take the warning very seriously. Two and a half months pass and he begins to forget about Katherine. Then one day, something happens...)
It must've been around ten o'clock. I had writing story since nine, It was a highly emotional piece.
I was writing feverishly when I felt the Light from the lantern becoming gradually dimmer.

I picked up the lamp and shook it. There was no kerosene in it, but I did not want to stop writing. All my attention was on the story.I was writing, continued writing as the light got dimmer and dimmer until finally, it went out altogether.

Now I needed some kerosene. I remembered that I could go to the bank and get some. My friends who worked at the bank lived in one portion of the building.I could borrow some kerosene from their stove.So I picked up the torch and the empty kerosene bottle, went downstairs and locked the main door.

Note- Part 2 will come soon