

Care For Me chapters 1-7

Ery McGalligan was sitting in her cheap apartment, watching some old cartoons until the news interrupted it.

"Well, it's finally here folks! In Callaway New Hampshire, the new 'F.K.T' bar open-"

Ery shut off the tv and sat on the ground, draped in her blanket, wearing a worn pajama shirt and no bra. Was it really worth getting up to go to this new bar? She would have to put on pants and a bra...but then again, alcohol. Decisions, decisions...




She got up to get dressed. She found a clean oversized black sweater with a cat on it and some ripped jeans. she pulled on some mismatched socks and her tennis shoes and walked out, headed to the brightly lit area near her street. The new bar. What was it called..? F.K.T?

She walked over to the bouncer, who gave her a weird look.

"I'm gonna need to see your ID."

She handed him her drivers license. "I'm 21. Can I go in now?" She asked sarcastically as he handed it back

"Yeah, I guess you can." He let her in, and she was greeted with what looked like the biggest kink fest in history.

She looked around a bit after the initial shock of all those people wearing tight leather clothing wore off and sat down a the bar.

"What can I get you?" the lady asked. Ery shook her head to focus and stop admiring her tattoos and piercings.

"Oh, uh, a screwdriver if you have it," Ery said, saying the first thing that came to mind.

"You allowed to have that, hun?" She asked

"I'm 21 so...yes," Ery said, giving her a small odd glance.

The bartender just smiled "Alright, sorry for assuming. Most people here dressed like that already have a dom." then she disappeared to get the drink.

'Oh, so it is a big kink fest. Just gotta talk my way out of awkward situations by being my normal bitchy self. If she thought I was a sub then my inner bitch should do the trick of scaring off random doms...'

She came back with the drink "Thanks. Oh, hey, any tips on deterring people here? I'm just here for the alcohol, honestly." Ery asked

"Well, with how you're dressed right now you could say you're already in a relationship, but if all else fails, be a giant bitch and most of them will go away."

"And the few that don't?"

"Just ignore them. The owner of the place will ban anyone who tries to do anything bad. I'll report it if I see anything. Don't worry about it, here the bartender always has your back."

Ery smiled for the first time in a while at how she acted as if they had been friends for years "Thanks."

ch. 2

Ery drank her Screwdriver, and as she was about to pay, the bartender (Deb) said it was on the house. All of
opening night was.

"Sweet!" Ery exclaimed
"Hell yeah, it is. You mind if I ask ya a question, hun?" Deb asked
"Fire away," Ery said, taking a swig if her second Screwdriver.
"Are you into BDSM at all?"
"No clue. I don't really get into relationships or anything that would expose me to the lifestyle. So, for right now, it's a maybe." Ery said with a shrug.
Deb nodded "Ok, just curious. Most people who aren't into BDSM shame us relentlessly."
"Yeah, People need to mind their own business...and I don't think they realize that anything other than vanilla sex is classified as BDSM and I'm pretty sure at least once they tried to 'spice things up' in the bedroom."
"Haha, yeah. You want another refill?"
"Is that even a question?" Ery asked with a smirk. Deb disappeared to refill the glass, while a muscular, conventionally attractive guy sat by Ery.

"Hey, little girl, what's a pretty thing like you doing all alone here?"
"Not to be rude, but please fuck off."
The guy looked surprised "Now, that's no language for a sub to use to a dom."
"Who says I'm a sub?" Ery asked, looking at him
"...are you a switch?"
"Then what the hell are You!?!"
"A demon that will shove that tic-tac that you call a dick so far up your ass you will cough up cum for months if you don't Fuck. Off."
The guy, smartly, left.

It happened again and again until Ery's response was almost script sounding.
"Hey, are you alone?" A lady sat down. She was tall, and on the thicker side, and relly fucking pretty. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top, rather than the cocktail dresses most of the other ladies wore.
"I-...I don't have a response for a girl." Ery said, in her own mind halfway.
"What do you mean?" She asked, a small smirk on her face.
"Most of the time random male doms come over and I politely tell them to fuck off and if they don't, I tell them I will shove the tik-tac they call a dick so far up there ass they will cough up cum for months and then they go away."
She smiled, then she laughed "Haha, yeah, I can see why people would leave after that. So, are you a sub? Dom? Switch, maybe?"
"No, nu-uh, and nope."
"Never been in a BDSM relationship, then?"
"Ding ding ding, we have a winner."
She smiled "I'm Lillith. You Are?" She held out her hand.
Ery took it "Ery."
"So, Ery, want me to show you what you've been missing out on?" She asked in what would have been a seductive voice...if it hadn't been for that stupid little eyebrow wiggle.
"Pfft, yeah, no thanks. I'm sure there are others here that would love to be your sub."
Lillith smiled and shook her head before leaving. Ery got up and left as well, leaving a very large tip ($20. For Ery, that was a very large tip.) for Deb. Maybe she would go back tomorrow.

She would defiantly go back tomorrow.

ch 3.

Ery went to the bar almost every night, got to know quite a few of the people, and made Deb a really good friend. She got her drinks for free, most of the time. Either doms who didn't know she wasn't looking for anybody, or Deb paying, or random times she was free.

(Deb said it was because her drinks were so cheap and easy to make)

Every night she would come in, drink some Screwdrivers, and leave. And every night, when Ery was either halfway done with her second, or just started her third, Lillith would come over and they would talk until she said some cheesy pickup line, Ery would finish her third drink, and she would leave. A few of Ery's favorites, so far...

after talking about a shitty family 'I could be your new Mommy ;)' It made her feel better and lightened the mood, but she had finished her third and so they both left.

After talking about how much she would love a cat because she was pretty much a cat in human form: 'Would you be my pretty kitty?' The way Lillith said it made it feel more like a joking request more than a threatening order.

The multiple times she jokingly referred to the bar as a kink fest: 'Why not join in?'

Lilith and Deb made Ery feel so much more relaxed. One day, Lillith was already waiting for Ery, holding what looked to be a pet carrier.

"Hey, Lil, not that I'm not happy to see you, but you're early," Ery said as she sat down in her spot.

"Well, I couldn't get in the crowd with this, he might've gotten hurt."

Just as Ery was about to ask what was going on, Lillith reached in the carrier and gently pulled out a tiny black dog, and a larger sleeping kitten bundled in a blanket.

"The puppy is Sirius and the kitten's name is Dark. I wanted to get you just the cat since you're only allowed one pet in your apartments, but they said these two are inseparable. They had to put little Siri in with the cats so they wouldn't destroy everything looking for each other." Lillith said as she handed the two to Ery gently

"So, I was wondering, I have the money to feed them and stuff, plus since I have my own place I can keep them both...and I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?"

Ery was about to respond, but Lilith quickly clarified "You wouldn't even have to pay rent, and we would just be roommates."

Ery just smiled "Yeah, I'll move in with you. I just have to finish with the lease. I'll move in in a few months."

Lillith smiled as well, and Ery gently ut both Dark and Sirius back in the carrier.

Looks like Lilliths determination to get Ery had paid off some. They chatted with Deb and played with the two fluff balls, and on Ery's third Screwdriver, she was reluctant to leave. But she had too. It was almost midnight, after all.

She walked home, kicking rocks along the way, a smile on her face. Oce she got home, she fell asleep, still in her sweater and jeans.

ch 4

Ery had informed her landlord she would be leaving soon and was able to leave early. She packed her things and texted Lilith

E: 'Hey, on my way to your place. Where do you live?'
L: 'Don't worry about it. I can pick you up. You live near the bar, right? Those old apartments?'
E: 'Yeah, I'll wait outside'
L: 'Cool! See you soon, roomie.'

Ery turned off her phone and waited outside. She saw a limo pull up and the driver got out and put her bag in the trunk. Lillith helped her in the back, and the driver put up the divider between the front seat and the back
"Do you have a car or-" Lillith was cut off by Ery
"No, I have all my belongings in the bag."
"Oh, ok. I'll show you around the manner once we get there. And, please, if I tell you not to go in a room, don't."
"What, don't want me to find you sex dungeon?" Ery asked jokingly
"Please, if you knew the extents of my kinks you would run for the hills."
"And leave behind a giant house I get to stay in for free, plus my pets? You are sorely mistaken. Don't worry, I'll stay out of you kink rooms."
"Thank you."

They got to the manner and Lillith showed Ery around. Afterwards, Ery unpacked and wandered around outside in the giant yard. She grabbed her tablet from her bag and her stylist after climbing a tree. She started sketching the flowers that surrounded her on the tree's branches.

She finished drawing after a few hours and walked inside, where Lillith was already eating. Ery started to just grab an apple and go to her room, but Lillith stopped her.
"Nope. You're eating an actual dinner. Morgan! Ery's inside! Ery what do you want to eat?"
"...an apple."
"Real food."
"Ok, fine. I'll just make myself Raman Noodles-"
"I said real food."
"Its either that or an apple."
"Fine! Have your apple."
Ery looked smug and whent to her room to work on her comic.

'Looks like I have my work cut out for me if I want her to be my sub...' Lillith thought.

ch 5.

Ery's POV

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed living with Lillith. I've been here a few weeks now. She always seemed to be checking up on me, but not in an annoying way, like when your parents are too nosey. It was more like when you've been alone in your room for to long but haven't realized you wanted out of your room until someone popped in and non chalontly mentioned that dinner was ready. Not giving you putting and worried looks or being a brat about it.
Speaking off...
"Hey Ery, lunch is ready." She said, sticking her head in my dark room where I had been drawing on Photoshop.
"K. Be down in a sec." I said, not taking my eyes off the screen.
"Can I see?" Lil asked, walking over.
"Sure." I showed her the far more developed drawing of the trees flower.
"Wow, that's amazing!" Lillith said, looking impressed and amazed.
"Thanks. Lunch?"
"Yeah, come on."
Lillith and I walked out, her a little behind me, her hand lightly resting on the small of my back, making sure I kept moving forward.
I didn't mind when she did things like that, I knew it was just her protective dominant sides nature.
She seemed to realize her handsplacement and put her hand down, leaving that spot on my back cold.

"Hey, Ery, what time is your job interview tommorow?" Lillith asked, looking at me about halfway through our meal.
"9:00 sharp. Why?"
"Just needed to know so I could drop you off," Lillith said, continuing to eat.
"Lillith, I thought we agreed I didn't need a ride?" I asked, looking at her.
I appreciated her and all that she was doing, but I couldn't learn to only rely on her. How would I be able to live on my own once I got my feet back if I kept letting her pamper me?
"...right...." she said, as if it had slipped her mind. She looked a little disappointed.
I sighed "I'll let you pick me up once it's over, Ok? Then I won't be spending more money on a cab, either."
Her face lit up and she smiled "Ok! Call me the second it's over."
"I will." I reassured.

After lunch, we had a Harry Potter marathon just so we could follow up with 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'
It was fantastic.
By that time, it was dark out, and I looked out the window to see a full moon, hidden by thin clouds. I took out my tablet and made a quick, really rough sketch and took a picture for good measure.

Lillith's POV
"Its like 10:30. You should go to bed." I said, looking at Ery as I saw the gears turning in her head, knowing she was planning on drawing all night again
"...Yeah, I guess you're right," She admited, putting up her things. "See you in the morning."
I watched as she ran up the stairs to go to bed. I put the movies away while my own head was trying to make a plan so I could claim her as mine.

She was a natural sub, following orders subconsciously from me without thinking twice. Not to mention, she was pretty obedient on most things. Although, when it came to clothing and what she chose to eat, I tried to mind my own buiessness about.
She was getting better at eating dull meals of good, home cooked food rather than packaged instant things, or fruit. As for her clothing, it showed she never took very good care of herself and I wished she would.
If she was my sub, she wouldn't have to worry about job interviews and where she was going to live and forcing herself to be independent and could give into wanting to just be cared for.
She needed me, and not just to help her till she got on her feet. She needed a Dom, and one who would be careful and patient and not rush her. I could be that.
If only she'd let me...

ch 6.


Everything was awful. The job interviewer only wanted me as some eye candy and tried to molest me before I ran out. I was going to call Lillith, but I didn't want her to see me like this...

The interview

"Hello, Mr. Savil?" I asked, poking my head in.
I got a bad vibe the minute I stepped in the office, but I really needed the job.
"Yes, please, sit." He said, a hungry look in his eye.
I sat down, wanting this to be over as soon as possible.
After a few odd questions that had nothing to fo with the job, he grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me over the desk
"Now be a good girl for me and you'll get that job and so much more~" He reached out to grope my breast.
I pulled my wrist away and ran as fast as I could to get away.


I was now much more calm as I, hands still shaking, dialed Lilliths number.
"C-can you please c-come get me now?" I said, failing at trying to keep the stutter of fear out of my voice.
"Of course! What happened-? No, you don't have to talk about it. I'll be there soon, honey, just stay where you are." She hung up.

'She called me honey...I'm sure it was a slip up, but...is it bad...I like her calling me that..?'

Lilliths POV

I ran to my car and drove to the building as quickly as I possibly could. Ery had been crying

'My Babygirl had been crying'

I drove well over the speed limit, but I still seemed to slow. I finally saw Ery outside the building, looking scared and dischevled.
I rushed to her, getting her into the car and even buckling her in. I was so far in Dom head space I didn't realize till I buckled myself in.

I rushed to apologize "I-"

"Are you still interested in a Sub?" Ery asked

ch 7

Lilliths POV

"Are you still interested in a Sub?" Ery asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
"W-what?" I asked, my brain trying to possess information

Ery's POV

"W-what?" She sputtered, and I assumed that was a no.
"I was just asking...s-sorry..."
"No, no, I mean- Yes, I am. Why did you ask?" She said finally, gathering her thoughts.
"I...I think I want to try a BDSM relationship, and you're the only person I trust- I'm sorry, you don't have to-"
"No- wait, yes- I mean-" Lillith took a deep breath "I'll be your Dom if you want me to be. And I understand that you can't be rushed into it. I have a contract made, but we'll wait for all of that. Do you know what a contract between a Dom and a Sub is?"

"It outlines hard and soft limits, rewards and punishments, rules, stuff like that."

Lillith smiled "Yes, exactly! I'm surprised you know about it, though, just because you've never been in a relationship like this doesn't mean you wouldn't have knowledge...do you know about different lifestyles?"

"Yeah, um...ddlg, pet play, slave and master relationships, oh- and that sometimes it can be 24/7 or just at home or safe places, or just in the bedroom..."

"Would you like to know my preferences?"

"Um...sure," I said, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Ddlg and pet play, 24/7 if possible," She started, then rushed out "Of course, I don't expect you to try to do that right away- if you even want to at all. Some people don't like 24/7, and I'll respect your choice if you even like those things," She slowed, gaining her composer back "A BDSM relationship and the limits and how things go depend on the sub, as they set the tone with their likes, dislikes, limits, and how often they would like to practice it. Despite what people think, it's the sub whos in control of the relationship. So don't worry, we can always modify and change things that you feel uncomfortable with or you decide you want to try. Ok?"

I just nodded, remembering every word. It would be better. She could make me better.