

"Social distancing" in African SMMEs - Pre COVID 19
The world as we know it today has or is changing. COVID-19!The widely spoken word during this season is "social distancing",this being used as a measure to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Social distancing in the COVID-19 sense refers to persons maintaining a certain prescribed distance in between them - the objective being to further prevent the spread.

Small businesses in many Africa countries suffer challenges in what I would call "business social distancing ". Many entrepreneurs in Africa find themselves in the huge task of building their businesses in an isolated environment because of the "COVID-19 business social distancing" that these entrepreneurs find themselves in.This environment is inheritly built in our African culture, personality and belief systems.

As an African enterprenuer you find yourself in an isolated space - you can't receive and share information, can't attend networking sessions with other like minded persons etc. Some of this isolation is based on say, for example, in beliefs.Sharing of information and networking is percieved to be a " me me" experience until I get the benefits of such, then I can share and network on this - now this is after the facts and events. It saves and helps no one.

This is just but one example of "business social distancing" in the Africa entrepreneur perspective that is leading to many small businesses dying and catching "business corona" in this era.