

Don't ask Y I love U in YOU.
There was once a rich man who went into a bar trying his luck to look the one or perhaps just another one night stand just like everytime he went there to unwind. He knows it was easy for him to hook up with anyone with his looks and his charms. But he never thought that tonight will change his life forever.

The rich guy was drinking and trying to look at the sea of beautiful pearls when he caught a glimpse of a very rare to see gem in the club. He examined her, and right there he knew that he already found the one he wanted to spend this wonderful night with. He stared at her intensely, eyeing on her every move and assessing if the girl is with someone. To his surprise the girl is with her girlfriends only and they are having the time of their lives. Drinking, dancing and laughing.

He hesitated to approach the beautiful girl but decided to not let his chance be wasted so he approached her. The girl was so nice and did not ignore his friendly gestures. They had a nice chat and never ran out of interesting topics. Before they parted the two decided to exchange numbers and meet up again the day after tomorrow to spend more time.

Part II
Days went on with constant communication, then days turn to months and finally they both fell head over heels in love with each other. Finally, they took the biggest risk and step in their relationship.

They were celebrating their fifth monthsary
when both of them agreed to spend their first night together in the girls house. It was a very special moment for the couple. When morning comes the guy woke up alone in the bed. It is only then that he noticed a picture a handsome man in a frame beside the bed. It was too dark last night and he was too preoccupied to notice anything last night. Suddenly, he felt a pang of jealousy and curiosity of the identity of the man. There is a lot going on inside his head and he couldn't think straight. He picked up the frame and examined the picture. Maybe this is her ex or could it be his brother, he thought.
© girlinwhiteshirt