

The Friend Who Came Back
She who was now a stranger to me as I watched her shop for her stuff at the grocery store. I wanted so badly to just walk up to her and ask her what happened with us, but I decided against it because I had no clue how she was feeling and if she even wanted to be bothered. I wasn't truly phased so I just decided to shop and quickly forgot that she was even in the store to begin with when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly remembered that she was in the store and it was her and she smiled so warmly at me and just pulled me in and hugged me as if she was saying I'm sorry without moving her lips.
"How have you been?" I asked genuinely wondering if life has been treating her well.
"I'm OK. I'm blessed to be breathing and smiling. It's really nice to see you." Leetra said.
Our friendship was hindered due to a misunderstanding of views on life. It was sudden from my perspective, but it was something that she must have been planning for a minute before doing it. Over a year had passed before I had even known if she was still existent. I was glad to see she was. She was dressed really elegant and her hair was braided and pinned up. Her perfume was great and light.
"You smell good!" I told her meaning every word.
We ended up taking a seat outside under the outdoor table umbrella and sipping on drinks. I didn't intend to have the longest conversation ever with her, but that is what ended up happening. She disclosed how she had dates and was pregnant, but lost it. She didn't seem hurt about her lost baby which was cool. I wouldn't have felt comfortable if she would have cried in my face like a kid who dropped their icecream.
Leetra ended up telling me how foolish she felt for being quick to judge a situation and not having a mature conversation about it. I couldn't help but to get into my philosophical mode when she said that. I mentioned how I stopped pointing the finger at her because at the time, that's what God wanted. Our friendship was tested. Beliefs were tested as well. We now had another chance. What do you think happens next?
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