

Recurring Nightmare
Because my dream world is so obviously plagued with nightmares, here we go...
A recurring nightmare I've had for the past 10 years now.


My eyes closed tightly as I lay within my bed. The blankets covering my whole body, trapping my heat and keeping the monsters away. Or so I would hope. I feel a gust of cold air breeze past my face, tingling the tip of my nose. I open my eyes immediately and try to see where that could have came from. The windows to my room are tightly locked. The darkened curtains in front to block the rising sun. So that couldn't have been it. I look to my ceiling. The fan is completely turned off, as well as the switch. I look over to the door. It seems to be cracked open. The light in the hallway is still turned off. I pull the blanket over my face, take a deep breath, and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Walking over to the window, I peer out to see the moon shining full and gleaming down onto the sidewalk just below. The stars are twinkling and the leaves on the trees are swaying ever so slightly in the hot summer breeze. I rub my eyes and put my fingers to my head, thinking I had just imagined it. When I look back towards my bedroom door, the hallway is now dimly lit and the door has been opened more.

Did I do that? I wondered as I began walking closer.

I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly turn it, opening the door. The light in the hallway coming from a small cone-shaped stick, holding a torch that has been lit. The flames dance around each other and are bright enough to light up only half of the hallway, but enough to have the warm light reach the top of the stairs.

I slowly move my feet towards the stairs. My left hand up against the light grey painted wall, holding me steady. I feel my body get cold as I reach the top of the stairs. I look down the ends of the hallway, both ways, making sure nothing would come out from either end.
I looked down the bottom of the steps. A torched light once again lit at the very bottom. I feel myself moving down the stairs, each step creaking under my bare feet. I hold my breath, trying to remain quiet. With my hand placed firmly on the rail as I walk, I finally reach the last step.

I'd reached the basement. I looked around shocked. How could I have reached the basement?
Maybe I'd gone down too many steps...
Am I actually awake?
There's two stories in this house, how did I reach the basement?

I suddenly hear crunching in the corner of the room.
It's too dark in there and I can't see anything, but I feel the gust of cold air once more.
I move to walk towards where I'd heard the sound.
After taking one unwilling step forward, I hear the sound of bones cracking together, many all at once.
A torched light flicks on suddenly.
A girl, thin as can be, her arms covered in spots of black ash. She's wearing a white dress and long, dark, thin black hair falls down to her waist. She seemed to be crouching over top of something. I can see the bottom of her dress stained in red. I can smell the iron and decay in the room. Her head snaps down to her shoulder, a loud CRACK as she does.
I cover my mouth and feel my feet slip under me as I take a step back towards the stairs.
She stands up quickly, turns, and looks directly at me. Her eyes gone, replaced by black holes and black mush running down her snow colored cheeks.
She opens her mouth and blood pours out all over the floor.
I grabbed hold of the rail as fast as I could and ran back up the stairs, hearing her footsteps after me.
As I reach the top step, I open the door.
A bright white light shining and blinding me as I fall into it.

And then I woke up.

© Sierra321