

The world is now in the phase of unlock but many countries of the world are afraid of the new strategies that China can adopt to become the leader of the world. This is the unrevealed story about the growth and impact of China on global platform.

We may never know what lies hidden in the womb of future but one thing is very clear that China trusts very much on its own war techniques, research work and technological developments. It is good but to the extent that China uses it for economic development and safety. The world will not tolerate any move by China that disturbs peace and safety in the world.

Currently, China has shaken the entire world. Believed by many experts, China has deliberately produced coronavirus in its laboratory. If so, it is very worrying because it would mean that China has developed technology that could transform genes according to its own needs and shake the whole world.

This could be in the form of bio war and we should not be surprised if this happens in near future as tension of China with the other countries of the world is very high right now.

China has become highly advanced not only in the field of genetics but also in other fields. According to the Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation, China is number one in the technical developments and research in the world.

The first field in which China has made huge progress is the field of hypersonic. China has no match in this technology. This technology has made such great fighter planes and missiles that are faster than the speed of sound.

The second field is 5G Internet technology. The third field is the artificial intelligence that allows any face to be recognized through a computer. According to the Research Foundation, that country will be at the forefront of the world, which will dominate the world in terms of technology and whose technology will be the best in the world.

The unrevealed story about the growth and impact of China can be very interesting as China even after corona pandemic is deliberately indulging the world in other important issues that needs to be addressed intelligently by the world.

The third field in which China is leading in the world is the technology through which objects are controlled by the internet. A very simple example of this type of technique is you will be identified by the camera on the door and after that the door will open itself. This technique is incredible in itself and powerful as well.

The fourth field in which China is moving with other developed countries of the world is 3D printing which is used in making special duplicate copies.

The last technology which is also very dangerous is robotics. We know that in the next world war, not only the army but the robots will fight, and it can be assumed that China will exercise its technical advancements in the robotic field by creating a robotic army that would be daring and exactly crush the target in no second delay of time .

The biggest question before the countries of the world is that the fields in which China remains in the top list such as genetics and hypersonic, how can we catch China and push ourselves to the number one spot in such extremely important fields.

For all the countries of the world it is necessary to take patent of any new technology from a world level organisation. There remains an institution in the world which we know as World Intellectual Property Organization. In abbreviated form it is termed as WIPO.

This is the organisation where countries of the world file applications to get patents. After filing the application and passing of the patent, the patent establishes a monopoly of commercial use of that technology all over the world.

You will be surprised to know that America was at the forefront of the world till last year. But by the end of last year US in 2019 filed 58000 applications and China filed 59000 applications. It means 1000 more inventions were done by China and it became number one among the technological inventions in the world.

Similarly, if we look at India then as per the data available India made 30,000 inventions and applied for patent of its 30,000 inventions.

India has a very talented workforce. India also has very large number of natural resources available. The education system in India is competitive and world class. Then why so few inventions are made in India?

There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is that the political will power is not ready wholeheartedly to invest in research field. Second is the low importance level that is attributed to the development of research and technological advancements in the country.

Talking about investment, in the last 2 years, the Economic Survey that was done two years back clearly established that since last 20 years India is investing only 0.7% of the entire country GDP .Even very smaller countries than India, such as Korea spent 4.6 % of their GDP on research and if we see the percentage of China, then 2 percent of their GDP was invested on research and technical developments.

The unrevealed story about the growth and impact of China on global platform can also be heard in many parts of the world but this story is confusing one and needs view with alert mind and open eyes.

Now we should try to understand this fact in a very interesting way. China ( 141 Crores ) is the world’s largest populated country and then comes India ( 136 Crores ). China’s GDP is about 5 times that of India.

Now if we take a thousand rupees as the base then if India’s GDP is thousand rupees, then at the rate of 0.7%, India invest only 7 Rs on research work. At the same time China’s GDP will be Rs 5000. At the rate of 2.1 % China invests Rs 105 on research.Thus, we see that the investment in research that is made by India is just 7% when compared to China.

We should be proud that Indian scientists are so skilful that despite such a small amount of investment made, we are able to file applications for 30,000 patents.

China is advancing in every technology and the whole world is being threatened. The only reason is that China on the basis of its skill and technical development, it wants to dominate the economic system of the world by providing things at a very cheap price to the whole world and it has succeeded to a large extent in its mission.

Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand and many other countries of the world including India are experiencing big problems in eliminating the monopoly of the Chinese articles in the market.


After all, what is the problem that India is not able to invest much in the field of research? It is not that India has any shortage of natural resources or India is facing any financial crunch. But even within 20 years, very little investment has been made on research by Indian government.

The salaries of government employees are very high in India. After the recommendations of the pay commission the salaries and wages of the employees in increased to a satisfactory extent. On 3 July, 2017, the 7th Commission recommended that the Indian government employees will get HRA hike of 106 percent to 157 percent in their July 2017 salary.

You will be surprised to know that the Government of India is spending 4.6% of the average income of the country on the government employees. This percentage is only 1.5 in China.

Many times a war like situation develops on the India-China border, but this time the situation is altogether different. Today the situation is not the same as it used to be in 1962.

Today India has advanced technology, but not so good that it can beat China. The strategic partners of India so called the great powers of the world like America Russia Japan stand united with India because they have faith in Indian people, culture and economy.

India now needs to become self dependant but for this it is necessary that we do not have the lack of financial resources and it is possible only when we are able to cut our expenses and increase GDP.

Indian government within last 20 years has invested a very little on research. So there is a great need to increase this investment because as I said earlier – In this world, only that country will become the superpower and enjoy freedom on this beautiful planet which would develop its technology to a very advanced level and penetrate the markets of the world with its world class goods. Moreover the education system in India should emphasise more on skill development like America and China .

In the end, I would like to say that we have to think answer to a very serious question- What is most important for us today? Is the progress of the country most important for us or it’s the top priority to make an increase in the salary of the executive employees of the country?

This corona virus phase is a great opportunity for India in which we can touch new dimensions of progress. All that is needed is the will of the countrymen to make PM Narendra Modi dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat come true. I am confident that India can realize the vision of self-reliant India on its own.
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