

"The Blooming Flower Of Poetry"

I will never ever forget the day when I received the letter of appreciation from our Prime Minister Narendra Modi sir for my first poem entitled "Dreams Of Narendra Modi".
The words of that letter are still before my eyes and it keeps motivating me at every point of my life. Whenever I think about poetry and that letter what just pops into my mind is how our life takes turn and makes us know about our inner talent and gives a very different perspective about ourselves ,about life and even about this world.
Thinking of it, I remember how this all started.I was in grade seventh and we were having free lecture ,so the supervisor ma'am of our school gave us a random activity of penning our own poems.I found it very interesting as it was for the first time we were given such an activity.I went home and was thinking all around about the subject for my poem.At that time Narendra Modi sir was the name at everyone's tongue. So I decided to pen a poem on his inspiring journey from a tea staller to Prime Minister. I wrote the poem in one go. And the next day all my teachers and my friends loved my poem and appreciated me .
Listening everyone's reviews my enjoyment knew no bound. I remember one of my teacher told me that we will send this poem to our P.M. This thought just kept striking my mind and I talked about it with my parents .Later during summer vacation we posted the poem to Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
To everybody's surprise, almost after a year when we have even forgotten about the letter, the postman brought a letter from PMO for me and handed it to my mom. My mom went through the letter and her happiness knew no bound. She ran towards me with full excitement and after seeing it I was unable to figure out what's happening around me and thought as if I was day dreaming. Everyone in my family was very happy and proud of me.
From that day life has just changed . I remember many teachers coming to me to congratulate me and get the glance of that letter. I got a lot of name and fame as there were news in newspapers and it was an exemplary achievement in our town. I even presented a poem in 'Kavi Sammelan' along with many renowned poets .This name and fame wasn't as important as the inner satisfaction that I get from penning poems. After all for me poetry is a way to emote myself through words.So what mattered to me was this inner peace. From that day I just look forward to nurture the bud of poetry within me and make it into a colourful blooming flower and spread knowledge and enlighten young minds with its aroma .I also look forward to bring smile to the face of one and all around me, and motivate them through my words.

© Vanshika Kabra