

My dear country
I know that many don't know much about my dear country, or they know only few things that they've seen or heard about on tv, my country is a country that's located in the North of Africa continent, it's its gate by the North side.
My country is Muslim, Arabic, and Tamazeghit; it has four territories Tell in the North, High plateaus and Atlas Saharan in the middle, and the Sahara in the south.
My country also has many cultures and traditions, and that's due to the diversity in the dialects, as my country's people talk in different dialects, there are almost four or five dialects in my country in addition to the common dialect Darija, as there is Tamazight, Targi, Zenati, Shaawi, Mzabi, and Darija as we mentioned above.
The country I live in is governed by a republican system where the president is elected and chosen by the people; this country also consists of 48 provinces, all of them follow one system and undergo one constitution; I really love my country very much.

All of you, guess what my country would be?
in comments.