

Chapter one

You all know that the day of the election is fast approaching so I want everyone’s hand to be on deck. My competitors won’t hesitate to use my weaknesses against me so I don’t want any mistake, I said with a straight face.
“Sir there is an emergency” Sean one of my bodyguard barged in on us when the meeting was going on, I am so angry right now but it seems something is wrong because he knows better than to interrupt me because of something trivial.
‘Sean what’s wrong and why do you choose to interrupt me when you know I am busy” I asked Sean who happens to be the head of my guards.
“Sir we actually don’t know how it happened” he stuttered.
“What happened Sean and by the way I appointed you to watch over my daughter so why are you here”. Answer me; I shouted which made him tremble with fear.
We can’t find Zamani. Our men were watching over her but all of a sudden she disappeared from our sight. “What”, I busted with anger. How can you let her leave your sight, it is dangerous for her to be alone out there.
I am feeling lightheaded right now so get me a doctor and before I lose my temper you and your dumb men should go and find my daughter or else I will end the lives of yourself and family, I threatened.
Ever since Monica Zamani’s mum died after being shot by a stray bullet, I have always been so paranoid about my family and I have always restricted Zamani from having friends. I went to the extent of making strict rules which has to do with the friends she keeps or the people she talks to. I know she has always wanted freedom but I won’t give her that in exchange of her life.
It’s been hours now and they have not found my daughter. The apple of my eyes, I can’t fail in my responsibilities I just can’t, I whimpered. I wasn’t able to save Monica and now I can’t even protect my daughter.
The whole house becomes empty without her. “Dad since you don’t allow me to go out and you don’t want me to have friends, can I at least have a puppy that I can play with” She asked with a pout.
“Zamani, you can’t have a puppy” I told her which only made her sad. Dad I understand that you don’t want me to have any friends but why can’t I have a puppy. I am so disappointed Dad, I don’t know why you never want me to be happy.
I remember that day vividly, the words my daughter said hurt like I was stabbed in the heart but I don’t want her to have a puppy and I don’t even know why.
“Any information about my daughter” I asked Sean. I am already getting impatient and I won’t spare any of you. It is already 11pm and my daughter is not home.

I don’t know when I slept off, it is already 11: 30pm and my daughter is still not home. Monica please protect your daughter wherever she is because right now the commissioner of police and my best trained men have not seen any traces of our daughter.
I was lost in thought when the sound of my phone ringing brought me back to reality. “Chief, hope I am not interrupting anything” Mr. Wells asked me over the phone. “Are you trying to provoke me mr Wells or are you telling me you haven’t heard that my daughter is missing”.
I am sorry about that Mr Romano but I actually called to inform you about the tourists that are coming over to our town. Since it is the first time that tourists are visiting our town, the governor wants you to take charge of it so everything goes smoothly.
I want you to inform the governor that I won’t be able to take that responsibility. Mr Romano, do you really think that I have not tried to convince the governor to give me that responsibility but it seems he is obsessed with your style if handling things so I don’t think you have a choice here.
All right Mr Wells, I will have to hang up now, I said tired of his rubbish. You don’t have to be in a hurry Mr Romano. I want you to be calm and I am sure nothing has happened to your daughter because I know that nobody can dare you except the person has a death wish. Bye for now Romano.
The phone beeped which signified that Wells had hanged up the call.
Father, I heard a very meek voice which if I am not mistaken belongs to my daughter but how can’t that be. I haven’t received any calls about her, let me call Sean.
“Father it is me Zamani”. Zamani, where have you been? I have been searching for you.
Dad I am sorry I had to leave without your permission but I know if I had told you about my plans you will not support me so I had to sneak out.
“Hope you are not hurt”, I asked her feeling calm now that she is with me. Father, I am absolutely fine and I enjoyed the games in the mall. I met children my age shopping with their parents, it was such a lovely sight to see.
So you were in the mall all day when I was scared to death here at home worried about you, I scolded her. Don’t dare shed any tears, I don’t want you to play victim here after making me go through a lot of trouble just to find you.
I am sorry father but I won’t have done this if you have allowed me to have friends or at least have fun, she ran leaving me in the room with my head bowed in regrets.