

The pains of Covid-19
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic to stay off and give way because its a case of emergency. Standing at my balcony,
i watched till the rear light of the car faded off in the dark.

As I stood at the balcony, staring at the dark road with only few car lights shining as they made their way through the dark roads, the taught of what could be wrong with the driver of that car and why it was driving on such speed ran through my mind.

Immediately a voice whispered to me that that could be a case of a covid -19 patients being rushed to the hospital or isolation center.

In the past couple of weeks we have experienced the worst cases of this dreaded pandemic and its ugly marks in the neighborhood. Many homes have been shattered and in pains,loosing a family member or people they care about being rushed to the hospitals without wasting time.

The wailings and groans of children whose parents have been taken away have been the order of the day. The sounds of sirens from ambulances picking patients and covid -19 victims out have become normal. Its now not unusual seeing cars at top speed on the roads heading to the hospitals and isolation centers in order to save the lives of their loved ones.

I strolled back to my room still pondering in my heart what the situation could be. If it's indeed a covid -19 victim being taken to the hospital,who could that be? Would that be someone I know,someone in my neighborhood? The more I tried to ask the questions ,the more terrified I became because I just realized that it could be me or anyone else I know.

I tried to pull myself together and laid down to catch some sleep and wait till morning to get my answers but that scenario continued to flash in my mind and falling asleep became impossible.

I stood up from my bed, grab my house coat and headed to the bathroom to have a warm bath after which I took a cup of warm milk,said my prayers and went to bed again. After a few minutes, I knew that my eyes will soon close to sleep and I truly slept till the morning.