

Cheese And Rio Never Found
He put it in her tea but why she loved him so much.And he was just so crafty. But one night they were dancing and after that he made her tea knocked her out and he left out robbed a bank in Rio
And hit big at the casino and left her with a letter that she was his al bye.
And she cured because she did not want him to be out there doing God knows what? For many reasons unknown to her she cryed and cured
but her pain never got addressed by the
love of her life.For some reason others wanted her to look in a different direction but she was as always lost in
love. Until she raised enough money
And flys to Rio she sees him after many
years. An then she gets him. She plays him at poker and wins most of his money. And then tells him you are a leaver. And then she killed his new women in his life. Then he had a different life style and she killed that man too. So as the story goes she never
left Rio and she jetskied her life into am
ocean of water she never came back from. Lost in a world of lost love and
stop that texting trying to sleep madness. From those. who don't instant what it is to be truly in love.
But the island that they were on some
Say. She got away faked her dead and
lived well. While others think he pulled
her out the water and fought with her
On an island to this day. All people was telling us is that some guy wanted her to be treated wrong. for his sick enjoyment. He told that man to play her but she was not a fiddle so why do others want there kin not to be loved.
And out of the picture of. Crime which
they bothering that lover or that bank robber about. So both lost there way and no one knows what happened to
the two only that the whole islands was searching for the monies they both left behind like buryed treasure. And no one ever found the monies or people's
body's so where did they disappear to
is the great mystery of the Rio lover and visitor who never got over the lover who left her a note. And just disappeared in to thin air.While others yelled in the darkness but never any answers to uncover there true hmmm.
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