

Night Of Sorrow
After that night incident, she was all by herself crying profusely, refusing to be consoled. She felt so foolish and stupid for letting Jon easily in to her life. Now the question that flooded her mind was who to talk to? Who will believe anything she said?. Then again she felt the tear pouring down her cheek more than ever and her blood hot. Standing in the shower, with the blood dripping from her body, she wished she could go back in time and defend herself. She wished she was able to fight him and stop him from raping her, but no, there was no how she could because he was stronger than she was. But still,she wished she shouldn't have let him in easily..maybe she should have fought so hard like use the flower vase on his head or scream for help, "I'm sure someone would have heard my voice" she said to herself. Oh God why me! She cried out even louder, but it was already too late, the deal has been done, her dignity and pride gone. Then for a moment, she thought to herself "I know someone is going to listen to me, I'm sure someone will believe my story.

Dear woman, we believe your story and we are ready to listen to you. Do not be afraid to speak up.

In our society, women and girls are the most vulnerable ones and that's why we have to speak up for them. People will definitely judge you and ask you questions like: why did you go to him or invite him over to your place? and they may think you also wanted the pleasure too. Sometimes, it isn't your fault. So don't feel stupid for whatever happened, feel free to open up, because rape is a serious offense and must be stopped.
