

The lost hybrid princess part:10
we all got out of the principal's office and started heading to our first class which was-
jisoo- I have geography
ryunjin- I have science
y/n- I have science too..so me and ryunjin unnie will got together..
We matched our schedules and accept the first and last period all classes were same..
jisoo- ok then..bye love you..
ryunjin- bye love you sis..
y/n- lob you unnie..
we both went to our class while jisoo unnie got to opposite direction for her class..
as we enterd the class all the attention was on us...
just then the teacher came and we got inside standing near her table..
mrs.kawale- ok class.. these are today's new students... welcome them.. girls if you don't mind please introduce yourself and tell what are you..
we both nodded and the teacher smiled..
ryunjin- Hi Im kim ji eun Ryunjin..you can call me ryu or ryunjin for short..
I'm a vampire as well as a mermaid..I hope we can be friends and just to make sure I have temper issues so please dont make me angry thank u..I hope we can get along well..*smile*
y/n- Hi I'm Kim y/n and we both are siters..Im also a v-vampire and meramaid..I hope we can be friends together and enjoy..thank you so much..*smile*
mrs.kwale- ok girls you both can sit down with..Yeji! please raise your hand..
A beautiful girl on the 3rd bench raised her hand and we both sit beside her and she was sitting alone..
yeji- Hi! I'm yeji..
ryunjin- hi I'm ryunjin..
y/n- and I'm y/n..
yeji- nice to meet you..
mrs.kwale- ok so class open your books on the page 156 and start reading about blue dimaond.. um.. momo stand up on your seat and read please..
momo- ok miss..
A girl stand up and started reading but her face was clearly showing that she didn't had any Interest nor wanted to read accept that she had tons of makeup on her face and was wearing so much short clothes showing her cleavage looking a slut..she galred at us while reading with a smirk but we just shrugged it off..
yeji was showing us the whole school and now we are on rooftop eating our lunch..
just then I felt someone coming up but I didn't showed any response to not to be suspected just then 3 boys came on the rooftop with their lunch in their hands and one of them was our classmate..
??- yah! come back and give it back to me..
??- maybe we should wait for others to show this to others..
??- delete that you punk!
??- pass your phone here jimin!
jimin- here take it jungkook!
??- yah! come back!!
jimim- you are so slow tae!
the boys were running here and there and while watching them our food finished..
then suddenly a boy bumped in me and I was gonna fall from the rooftop but someone hold my hand which saved me..
ryunjin- Y/N!
I was lost in the boys eyes..
Jk- don't leave my hand..
the boy said.. then it hit me I was hanging down the railing...I was not scared beacuse I knew how to fly..as I am a hybrid so I can transform in any form I want..
the boy pulled me up and started checking me if I got hurt or something.. when he saw I was fine he said sorry like a hundered times..
jk- I'm so sorry... so sorry..I was not looking in front.. sorry..I'm so sorry..
y/n- i-its ok..no problem..I'm f-fine..
jimin- yah stupid wat if she could've fall down!!? pabo!
jk- who was the one who throwed that phone this side..
V- we are so sorry.. um..?
y/n- y/n..Kim y/n..
jimin- ok..nice name..I'm park jimin..
tae- I'm kim Taehyung..my nick names are V or Tae..
jk- And I'm jeon jungkook and if you don't know then we are classmates..
ryunjin- oh yeah we saw you in morning..
yeji- are you fine?
jk- yeah..
some more boys came on the rooftop but stopped talking when they saw us..
I was looking at the boys face but one of them caught my attention badly and my eyes widened after looking at his face..
Y/n and ??- YOU?!!! HOW COME YOU ARE HERE?!!!
??- you both know each other?
??- she's the girl who I found in the mall.. she's y/n..
yeji- and you...
??- I'm na-
y/n- Namjoon.. kim namjoon..
??- so she know your name..
Rm- of course we met before are you stupid yoongi?
suga- shut up..
??-ok then let's introduce each other..
??- I'm j-hope.
??- I'm jin..
Yoongi- suga..
v- Tae as you know..
jimin- jimin*smile*
jk- jugkook..you know..
Rm- you already know me..
jk- who are you both?
ryunjin- ah she's my sister and I'm ryunjin and she's Yeji our new friend..we also have one more sister her name is kim jisoo..
y/n - oh yeah I called unnie but why didnt she reached yet?!
??- Y/N?????!!!!!!!!
ryunjin- jisoo?!
jisoo- y-y/n..
y/n- what happened eonnie? calm down..
she came running while sweating and panting heavily...she fell down but ryunjin unnie caught her arm before she could fall..
jisoo- I t-think we should lea-
she stopped..
y/n- u-unnie..what happened.?
jisoo- ah nothing..I just thought I was late so...hehe sowwy..
she nervously smiled and we all introduced us to each other and started chatting..
we took classes together..and now it's the last period...

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