

Hate putting those words together
Annoying arrogant pricks
Because you came to Earth before I was known doesn't make you better than me or make you think that you can toss me around like shit...
I don't hate to say it..but I wish I were a witch so I could kill all those that snitch..
Every time you wake up,you wake up to the reality of seeing those annoying pricks and realizing that you're stuck with 'em..
They keep reminding you of the worst seven worded phrase on the face of the earth "You have to go by the Rules."(like they do🙄🙄)
Because your younger they think you have no say.. forgetting that those decisions of theirs affect you too...
when you try to speak out they kill your voice and kill your thoughts...
They say your the future..but the future can't speak or be heard for fear of misinterpretation.....I may not be saying the right thing but let me speak!!!
I'm young but I ain't got young brains..this is the 21st century..we know more than we look...😑😑😣
I've got a mind of my own that says" I have a right to speak and be heard.."
Speaking out and defending yourself is not being foolish...
Your not better than me because you were once ME...
#break the silence#speak#be heard
#rise#vibrant#wise me#ME

© Ella's work