

The Glitch Virus Chapter 4
Hello, its cora again. this is day 22 of the glitch virus. this strange virus has taken hundreds more victims everyday.
I've been trying to stay in my house, whenever I go outside I make sure to wear gloves, long sleeves, pants, a hood and a mask. lots of people give me strange looks, most of these people die soon after I see them. I dont care how people look at me as long as I'm alive. there have been emergency broadcasts everyday, telling people more and more about this virus. peope cant make a vaccine or a medicine for it, its, it's like magic. I keep seeing thing, I sometimes see objects in my house glitch, but they dont disappear. my vision goes blank, and i see visions I'd all the people who have glitched. a-am i going insane!? i havent spoken to anybody in person since this virus began. I randomly break into euphoria whenever I'm alone for too long. I've witnessed at least a hundred innocent glitch out of sight. Their glitched screams echoing in my mind. I'm sure I'm fine. yeah, I am completely normal! I'm just, a little scared, that's all! I'm sure it'll all be fine tomorrow, I'm sure this is all just a bad dream! I'll wake up any minute now! any... minute... now...