

Chapter 2

Mom opened the rear compartment, pulled out those big and small baggages like a stone mover. I watched it, seem to understand something, something bad for me.
"You didn't tell me we have to stay here... " I began.
"How many days?" I asked, directly. I knew mom would do this, whenever I put a boresome and ugly face to her annoying trip invite, she might understand all of that instantly, and use her naive means to traps me as usual.
"Well, one or two months." She finally repeated, showing her tension face like I was the aloof Queen.
"...A month? 30 days! Is 30 days!" I called out as crazy as my mom done her ugly hair by herself.
"Relax! Is February, only 29 days." She said.
"How could I sleep on my dear cashmere bed and shower with my favorite Lavendaire shampoo and drink my England hot cocoa..."I pointed out, kept breathing and breathing like an elevator, my lung bulge and stretch like someone was blow a balloon.
"Actually, we have couple bedrooms and two bathroom here, and we have some new nice shampoo and other products..." Aunty Emily quickly explained.
"Fine!" I called out. I mean I have so many opportunist to argue with them should I stay in this farm or not, but I didn't, cuz I know that just waist my energy. Mom not gonna let me be the real Queen, and she always did since I argued with her last trip.
"I'm sure you'll fall in love with this place! Let's go." Aunty Emily said and gave her arm to me.
'No, I will not!' I kept telling this in my mind. Then walked straight to the front gate of that farm, ignored her arm.
* * *
We walked on the Muddy road, luckly I brought my boots. There's a water wheel stand in the middle of the flowers, the sunflowers was facing me one by one, as they said "Who is this?" and "Look at her haircut, it is blond..." Sometimes I thought about why sunflowers always would stand in the same direction, especially when they're facing a bunch of people, like they're giggle and judge those people that were walked through them.
After a few minutes walking, the road revealed a white and blue villa with a small balcony, beside it is a rose garden with rattan swing and chairs. A big transparent house with so many beautiful flowers next to it. I started to relax, at least it looks good.
"We're here!"Aunty Emily said to us, while I was still staring at that villa.
"Come in..." She went on.
I sniffed, felt like a bright strong thunder just break up my glass and crystal and gorgeous imagination. Aunty Emily was pointed at a little cottage, around it is so many big... well, vegetable
fields and tiny rivers. I rolled my eyes again.
"How about that beautiful villa? I wanna live in there." I said to her.
"Oh! I am sorry I didn't tell you buddy, that's not my house." She repeated, embarrassed.
"And that beautiful greenhouse and rose garden..." I said again.
"... That...also not my house..." She stammered.
I felt my heart was broken and shattered and a heat lava burned into my body. I took a deep breath, tried to get rid of those heat lava and my hot face.
"OK,FINE." I answered.