

The dialogue of she
They: what are you afraid of?
She : you wouldn't understand.
They:Try us.
she : The cloud infront of me,I can only see
They :what do you mean
she :The vividness of uncertainty,the feeling of being trapped and all I see is a blank paper with old ink in hands that is nolonger useful
They : tell us more.
she : The only cloud I understand is one of my tears feeling like it's the only thing that makes sense, the stagnation of my life that once made sense now a blurry effect.
she : Do you understand?
They : ...............
she : The possibility of not lacking but yet again feel a void within. The silent pain of a broken heart but only a clown face to society. feeling of failing,loneliness,the feeling of being abandoned,ever felt life doesn't make sense
They : All we be well.....
she : .....you never listened and the reason as to why I said you will never understand the cloud infront of nor the plain piece of paper with old dried ink. A life I to don't understand but I continuously face.
They : not sure what to say
she :🤡 clown face of a broken heart
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