

A letter to twinned brother
Dear Twin Brother,

As I sit here, reminiscing about our journey together, I find myself pondering a story that I've long kept tucked away in my heart. It's a tale of how we came to be, not just as siblings, but as twin souls destined to walk this earth together.

You see, from the moment we first met, there was an inexplicable bond between us. It wasn't just the shared laughter or the way we finished each other's sentences; it was a deep-rooted connection that defied explanation. Little did I know then, but our story begins long before we took our first breaths.

In a realm far beyond our comprehension, where spirits roam free and destinies are woven, our souls danced together in harmony. We were not born as twins in the conventional sense, yet our souls were entwined from the very beginning. We made a pact, you and I, to find each other in this world and embark on a journey that would shape us into who we are today.

In the realm of spirits, there exists a sacred law - the Gadar, which decrees that souls bound by such strong connections must find each other in the world of the living. For if they do not, the balance of the universe is disrupted, and the essence of those souls fades into oblivion.

So it was that our souls, guided by an unseen force, descended upon this earth. We were born minutes apart, yet in the cosmic dance of destiny, we arrived together. From that moment on, our lives became intertwined in ways both profound and beautiful.

Through the years, we have faced challenges that tested our strength and moments of joy that filled our hearts to the brim. We have grown together, learning from each other's triumphs and mistakes, always supporting and loving each other unconditionally.

As I write this, I am reminded of the miracle of our bond. It is a testament to the power of love and the intricate tapestry of fate that binds us all. Though we may not have shared a womb in the physical sense, our souls were united long before we ever set foot on this earth.

So, my dear twin brother, know that you are not only my sibling but my soulmate in every sense of the word. Our journey together is a testament to the timeless connection of our spirits, and I am grateful every day that we found each other in this vast and wondrous world.

With all my love and gratitude,

Your twinned.