

✨Memorable thought✨
It's a rainy season, the clouds are black and I saw no sunshine that day,with coffee on my table I started thinking about the day which is still memorable...I had one book in which I use to write down the most memorable thoughts,I started turning the pages and I saw a picture which I had captured on that memorable day,...
some year's ago it was the same season,i step out to the market with my mom,I saw many people's screaming,shouting and selling many items,... I'm the person who loves silence,but that noise ruined my mind,I felt unconscious, suddenly when I saw two people's fighting for that one pumpkin which is huge in size,all the people's gathered there, whoever is trying to stop them they use to fight even more,when all are Busy in gazing there stupidity,I started ruminating about the human beings are those who are heartless, only think about themselves, greedy too,...I thought that...